This is the Message Centre for Andy

Interns website

Post 1


Hi Intern,

I hope you don't mind me leaving you this message, but I came back online and saw your post saying it didn't work. Well hope you don't mind, but I checked the code on your site and found why.

There will be a few posts on here with code for you to use.

Right, down to business:

Open notepad copy and paste the following code that I've written, and then save the document onto you computer desktop as index.html

<<<---- complete code below this line ------>>>

Intern's Home Page

<<<---- complete code above this line ----->>>

You will notice that where it says "frameborder" it is set to "1", that is only because I want you to see the frame. When you're ready to make the fame disappear change the "1" to read "0"

That's the first part done smiley - ok

Interns website

Post 2


Ok, when you've done that do the following.

Open notepad copy and paste the following code that I've written, and then save the document onto you computer desktop as nav.html

<<<---- complete code below this line ---->>>

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

Intern site name goes here


&nbsp;Link 2&nbsp;

&nbsp;Link 3&nbsp;

&nbsp;Link 4&nbsp;

&nbsp;Link 5&nbsp;

&nbsp;Link 6&nbsp;

&nbsp;Link 7&nbsp;

&nbsp;Link 8&nbsp;

&nbsp;Link 9&nbsp;

&nbsp;Link 10&nbsp;

&nbsp;Link 11&nbsp;

&nbsp;Link 12&nbsp;

<<<---- complete code above this line ---->>>

Right, where you see the word "whatever" that is the name of one of your documents. So for e.g: Say you create a webpage called "gallery.html", all you do is delete "whatever.html" and replace it with "gallery.html" then move to where it says "Link 2" and replace it with the word "Gallery". Job done...

That's the second part done smiley - ok

Interns website

Post 3


Right, when you've done that do the following:

Open notepad copy and paste the following code that I've written, and then save the document onto you computer desktop as home.html

<<<---- complete code below this line ---->>>

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
Intern site name goes here

To Interns Home Page.

<<<---- complete code above this line ---->>>

Ok this will be in the right-hand frame and it's where all your website content will go.

When you have done all of the above and the three html files are sitting on your desktop, double click the file index.html and you should see (and it works cos I just tested it smiley - smiley) on your left your navagation bar, then a grey bar from top to bottom, and then "Welcome to Interns Home Page" in the right-hand frame.

All you do now is delete the file(s) from your site and upload these three, and then your ready to carry on building your site. smiley - ok

Hope that helps Intern.

Take care, and I'll catch ya soon.


Interns website

Post 4


smiley - okwhen you save them it gives you options

save in is it my computer where i save it

i wont do it until you reply Don't want to delete/replace important computer components

Interns website

Post 5


Hi Intern.

right when you have pasted all the data into a new notepad document do the following:

Got to "FILE" and click "SAVE AS"

Then where it says "SAVE IN" select "DESKTOP" from the dropdown menu.

And where it says "FILE NAME" type e.g. index.html

Leave everything else as it is and then click "SAVE" that will create the file on your desktop for you smiley - ok

Interns website

Post 6


i dont think it saved the first one ?? nothing came up the second time i will try again

Interns website

Post 7


scrap that smiley - rofl

Interns website

Post 8


No all im geting is this

\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs24 \line \line \line \line \line \line \line \line \line \line\par \f1\fs20\par }

Interns website

Post 9


Intern did you create the files I mentioned above?

If you did they would be on your desktop smiley - ok

If you have an email address that you don't use much give me the address and I'll e-mail the files to you smiley - ok

Interns website

Post 10


yes there on rich text document dose that matter

Interns website

Post 11


smiley - okthere on my desk top

Interns website

Post 12


FILE NAME: e.g index.html (you MUST put dot html after the file name as I've just done or it won't create a web page)

SAVE AS TYPE: Text Documents (*.txt)


smiley - ok

Interns website

Post 13


Right if you double click the index.html file it will all open in your browser and you see how it looks smiley - ok

Interns website

Post 14


smiley - oki have deleted them

Interns website

Post 15


i tryed in text and when i saved it the thing told me i would change all codeing i said no ???

Interns website

Post 16


So have you now got them on your desktop and double clicked the index.html file and seen it open in your web browser?

Interns website

Post 17


no i thought i was useing the wrong document (rich text document)when i changed it to the text document it told me

you are about to save the document in a text only format which will remove all formatting

my gut tells me a shouldnt do it

Interns website

Post 18


Ok if you have an e-mail address that you don't use often, let me have it and I'll e-mail the files over for you smiley - ok

Interns website

Post 19


smiley - ok just a question if i pressed yes would my computer need re formatting

[email protected] its one i have on my page any way

Interns website

Post 20


No it'll just affect the file you're saving...

Right I'll e-mail the files over. When you get them just un-attach them from the e-mail and they're ready for you to use and start working on smiley - ok

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