This is the Message Centre for Jennie_R

will you talk to me....??

Post 1

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

hey im bored, and now all by myself seeing all of my friends have f****d off somewhere but i dont care cos my ex is with them and i wouldnt want to go newhere with him .....

will you talk to me....??

Post 2


Hiya Laura smiley - hug

Sorry i didn't get back to you sooner, Do you still want to chat??

will you talk to me....??

Post 3

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

sorry went off online... chat away if you want...

will you talk to me....??

Post 4


Are you feeling any happier today?? smiley - biggrin

will you talk to me....??

Post 5

Laura, Keeper of Pink Sparkly Things, and spare brains for anyone who might need one..(p.s ferrari suck!!!!)

yes thankx... i was just in one of the moods yesterday u know when nothing in particular went wrong, but you just felt the world world was ganging up on you -nevamind

will you talk to me....??

Post 6


Yeah, i know what you mean smiley - biggrin whenever i get like that i normally have a bar of smiley - choc and a mug of smiley - cappuccino and that usually sorts me out smiley - hug

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