This is the Message Centre for ANDROKTONE (Visit MoominValley! A639010)
Im Pagan Too
xKittenx The Witches Friend, interpreter of Dreams and Nightmares Started conversation Oct 30, 2001
Hi new to this site and have linked here from my site (dancer put up the link for me)...i have to say what a great first still learning how do do pictures and things but im getting there....i do hope we can chat again and would like to become friends please visit my site if you have time and let me know what you think of it so far...
Kitten x
Im Pagan Too
ANDROKTONE (Visit MoominValley! A639010) Posted Nov 1, 2001
merry meet
Sorry I havent been around much I've been
ing around at work!!
Nice of you to drop by on Hallowe'en! Did you do anything special? We had a nice little gathering and thought good thoughts!
I'll come have a look at your page now
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Im Pagan Too
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