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Factoid of the week:

The word "set" has 58 uses as a noun, 126 as a verb and 10 as an adjective. The Oxford English Dictionary takes 60,000 words (the length of a short novel) to define it.

And I know that you don't care.

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Latest reply: Jun 2, 2003


Did you know that blasphemy is illegal in the UK? That's because the Queen is the "defender of the faith". (Just the one faith - the attitiude seems to be "the hell with Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, etc.) and that seems to me to be a breach of articles 18 and 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (

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Latest reply: Mar 8, 2003

Mad cow

I've found something new to scare me.

Mad cow. Otherwise known as Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathic disease.

Here's how it happens. Bits of sheep and other cows were fed to British cows. Rogue proteins - prions - latch onto brain cells and twist into abnormal shapes. They don't break down, they hang around.

We eat the cows, we get TSE disease. The government find out and says: Lets burn the cows! No luck. You can't kill the prions because THEY'RE NOT ALIVE! So they hang about in the smoke and float back into the food chain.

But here's the worst bit. They hand around dormant for up to 30 years. Then they eat your brain. Literally. It ends up like swiss cheese and you go mad, with the symptoms of Alzeimers.

It's more than likely going on now, in Britain. Perhaps you'd like to stop eating beef. Or if not, cook the meat till it's black. The leaner the meat, the better your chances.

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Latest reply: Feb 4, 2003

Passive resistance @ schol

Everyone at my school:

If you see ANYTHING that you don't like at school, send a letter to sedgie telling him. He can't do anything to you, you can say what the hell you like (except slander or libel, etc) and IT WILL PISS HIM RIGHT OFF! And send copies to the head of govenors and ofsted and the dfee and the pm and anyone else u like.

I'm doing one about that rubbish about comedy film club after school. They don't have time to teach us in our lessons? WHAT A F**K UP! Anyway, he'll see copy to ofsted and since the inspections are happening now he'll be angry (i hope).

P.S. In the USA (and probably here) it is perectly legal (and protected in the constitution as a right) to circulate publications at school (so long as it doesn't interrupt lessons.) so if anyone wants to annoy the teachers by writing about what cretins and incompetents they are, or do funny catoons of them, lets write one. but we could start with the story about miss dempsey streaking through redditch, or wherever it was. i'll edit! yaeh! yeah!!!!! except no-one will bother - i bet.

and how come we never got the prmosied data book in our science mocks?

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Latest reply: Feb 2, 2003

Oh s**t!

Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon says Saddam Hussein "can be absolutely confident" the UK is willing to use nuclear weapons "in the right conditions":

OH S**T.

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Latest reply: Feb 2, 2003

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