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Well, IT still isn't working. What a suprise...

I tried to fix IT myself - with the very appreciated help from some fellow ACEs - but I'm not all that sure if I didn't make it worse... Anyway, I decided to re-install Windows and to wait for my father to come back from his holiday before doing so.

smiley - grr

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Latest reply: Aug 16, 2001


Okay, IT - aka my computer - still doesn't work. smiley - grr But hopefully, I'll get him back to work this afternoon.

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Latest reply: Aug 6, 2001



Tonight the moon is shining right into my window. I LOVE that! So, I think I will go to bed pretty soon to be able to lay there in the moonshine... smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Aug 2, 2001

Flower In the Sun... a song by Janis Joplin. And it's one of the best songs I ever heard. It's just - wow!

Funny thing is Janis Joplin is so not my music. Or so I thought. My father gave me the "Joplin in Concert"-CD as a birthday present. I listened once to it, found it boring. Then a few days ago I gave it another try and - wow!

I searched the net for the lyrics because in my opinion a good song has to have good lyrics. And all that sappy "I love you"-stuff is nice and all but not all the time!

Anyway, so I discovered Janis Joplin. And "Flower In The Sun"... Just listen to the 4th verse. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

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Latest reply: Jul 29, 2001

Methos' Place...

... now also avaible in GuideML!!!!!

It really worked! I'm actually kind of proud of myself!

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Latest reply: Jul 19, 2001

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Methos (one half of the HHH Management)

Researcher U179462

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