This is the Message Centre for Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation
Number Six Started conversation Apr 10, 2003
Hello... d'you think you might be in a position to modify the maglev footnote based on the new information on the PR thread?
I've got one pick left this month and I've got to make it today, and I'd like to make it this one...
Number Six
Number Six Posted Apr 10, 2003
It seems I was beaten to the punch and it had already been recommended anyway... still, at least we got that update out of the way!
Doubtless your mystery benefactor will make themselves known shortly...
ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms Posted Apr 14, 2003
I´m the sub, checking in...
What was it that you wanted to do to footnote #2? If you mouse-over it, rather than click on it, the link doesn´t come through, making the sentence rather odd...
cheers ismarah
Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation Posted Apr 16, 2003
The link works fine for me! Forgive my lack of smileys, ismarah, I am near the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris battling a French keyboard layout! Ooh I forgot the clickables!
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