This is the Message Centre for jackthelad
Greetings, jackthelad!
Titania (gone for lunch) Started conversation Apr 22, 2001
*floating in, in her usual vague, elf-like manner, quite unofficially*
Welcome to h2g2!
I'm one of the Guardian Angels around here, and we try to be of help to newcomers. You'll find some useful links here:
Please do not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions!
You'll find my page here:
*drifting off, in her usual v.e.l.manner*
Greetings, jackthelad!
jackthelad Posted Apr 26, 2001
thanks very much..(well)met by moonlight..youve heard that one before i bet...being a bit vague myself i like peeps who are vague...and particularly like peeps who are elf like.....also I easily get confused....You do realise that being my guardian angel is a full time job,with double overtime and no time off?The pay is, i should say, pathetic not to say non existent,the perks however are terrific...
Anyway,thanks for the welcome!
Greetings, jackthelad!
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Apr 26, 2001
There are several Guardian Angels around here busy welcoming people, and I just happened to be the one welcoming you, JTL...
...but, if you'd like to, I could become your personal , being vauge and elf like and confusing and all that...
...and don't worry about the pay, I'm quite happy having a newcomer answering my welcome, it's unfortunately not that usual...
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Greetings, jackthelad!
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