This is the Message Centre for Jonny
It's gettin' close!
Classic Krissy Started conversation Dec 5, 2000
I like your end-of-the-year countdown. Especially since I remember when you first put it up. It's actually pretty exciting!
How are you doing Jonny?
It's gettin' close!
Jonny Posted Dec 12, 2000
Ooo, 'ello Krissy - didn't see you hiding there in plain view on my page.
Yeah, things are OK. Kind of sick with having to be at work, just a shame that the next break is Christmas (the one time of the year when I'm more or less guaranteed not to get drunk once!). Still, only 14 days of work after Christmas before I'll be off on my yodelling holiday. How's stuff with you - how long before you'll be touching down in England?
It's gettin' close!
Classic Krissy Posted Dec 12, 2000
11 days! Hooroooo!
I'm getting so excited! It's the last visit to London before he moves here! I'm really really excited. We talked for 2 hours last night.
Tell me about your yodelling holiday! I must have missed the info!
It's gettin' close!
Jonny Posted Dec 13, 2000
Long time since I've posted a link in one of these forums, but if memory serves the following should whisk you away to an explanation of my future yodelling plans: Also, I've now booked up a cheese tasting course in March at L'Ecole du Fromage, Val d'Isere. Only 10 days to go now, then. I hope time isn't beginning to drag too much for you at the moment. How long are you going to be over here for?
It's gettin' close!
Classic Krissy Posted Dec 13, 2000
Yep! Only 10 days! 9 actually, until I leave, 10 until I arrive! Hooray!
I'm there until January 2, so only like 9 days or so, still, it's an awful lot more than nothing. We have all sorts of exciting plans like getting our wedding rings and stuff like that.
We also have a lot of family stuff planned.
I haven't read the link yet, so I don't know about yodelling, but the cheese tasting course sounds fascinating! I love cheese.
Time is dragging in the "I want to see Andy!" way but absolutely flying by in the "Only this many more shopping days until Christmas!" kind of way. Usually I'm all done with my Christmas shopping by now. This year I've had to wait until my next paycheck so I'm sweating it a bit.
Ah well, tis the season to sweat, eh?
I'm off to read your link!
It's gettin' close!
bubster Posted Dec 18, 2000
"OK. So what's that taste like?"
"Uh, cheese?"
"Correct. And this one."
"Um, that tastes like cheese too."
"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say 'cheese'."
"And, finally, this one?"
"Not chalk?"
"No, cheese."
"How'd I do?"
"Only one out of four, I'm afraid."
"This is harder than it looks."
It's gettin' close!
Classic Krissy Posted Dec 19, 2000
*laughs so hard she spits her pizza all over the computer screen and snarfs the sauce*
OOhhhh that's priceless...
It's gettin' close!
bubster Posted Dec 19, 2000
Yes. Yes it is. Priceless, I mean. Nevertheless, I'm going to have to charge you $8.99 for it. Merry Christmas.
It's gettin' close!
Classic Krissy Posted Dec 19, 2000
*slaps down the dough and doesn't even feel cheated*
I pay top dollar for that kinda funny.
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It's gettin' close!
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