This is the Message Centre for Lanc - GURU and ACE
Greetings Lanc. :)
Phoenix Started conversation Jul 24, 2000
You seem to have an interesting collection of memories there. I too remember i little of my past lives. I know the name I had a long time ago, somewhere in the East. And some fragments from that, and other, lifetimes, but not much. I've also been dead once already this lifetime. That was disorienting for a bit.
Anyhoo, I saw that you were new here and thought I'd stop by and say HI.
Greetings Lanc. :)
Lanc - GURU and ACE Posted Jul 24, 2000
Thanx... Nice to meet you.... Well it is late here so take care..and dont die just to one up me. hahahahahah...
Maybe sometime we can have a cup of coffee and discuss living.
Greetings Lanc. :)
Phoenix Posted Sep 30, 2000
Hey there .... I was just trying to catch up on some of my old postings and stopped by to see how you're doing. Appearantly you've become not only and ACE, but also a Guru, since I first greeted you. You must have become an ACE in the same recent recuitment cycle that I did. Congratulations to you. Hope you're having fun.
Greetings Lanc. :)
Lanc - GURU and ACE Posted Oct 2, 2000
Just having too much fun... I think I am too busy then I take on another project. This one is fun.. I like it..
Catch you on the H2G2 soon.
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Greetings Lanc. :)
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