Journal Entries

The End of an Error

I owe a few minutes of satisfied reflection to a kindly Providence, having waited for years for the day we could say Good Riddance to what sensible people, Americano and Earthling alike, could consider the nadir of American governmental policy.

With the Justice Department returned to its Constitutional prerogatives, it would soothe me to witness a flurry of subpoenas, indictments, charges and lawsuits, with the goal of exposing some High Treason and Grand Larceny...and punishing, punishing,punishing.

I don't want to come off as a conspiracy theorist or simply bitter, but damn me, it's been a long eight years.

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Latest reply: Jan 21, 2009

Joy in the workplace

My personal weather is a bit brighter these days.

This was the manager of my section. This was the person who once swept all the loose parts from my work bench and threw them away.

This was the person that crawled on board as the "executive whatever" for the CIO, and entertained herself for weeks creating new divisional org charts, with her own name rising a bit higher each time.

This was the person who made political points for herself by promising the moon to the ivory-tower crybabies, leaving the logistical details to the grunts (us).

Soon after the previous inventory manager retired and responsibility shifted to her, the discrepancies started.

Our interim CIO had to apply stringent rumour control over the past few weeks, but with the news story breaking, it became clear why she was escorted out of the building that day by the cops.

I'm not one to crow (much) over the downfall of a grasping brat, but I feel quite justified in taking a personal pleasure in this.

Good riddance "Princess Mimi", so sad to be you.

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Latest reply: Oct 6, 2007


I had my first interview with a social worker this morning. We talked; I told him this and that; he diagnosed Dysthymia. Not necessarily depression, but more specifically a chronic mood disorder.

I wiki'd it [of course], and found it made a lot of sense.

'Sluggish Cognitive Tempo' was one of the associated links, and I could see a bit of correlation, as I notice I almost always require too much time to remember a person's name when I encounter them...thus the encounter is usually history before their name clicks in. Amphetamine was mentioned as a possible treatment. w00t-w00t...

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Latest reply: Jun 4, 2007

Melanie and Michael, born Valentines Day

Lori, much to her relief, finally downloaded her double cargo. The munchkins are doing well, but Melanie's soft palate needs fixing.

Hit the forward button for two more.

Harley has a couple things on her mind, no doubt....

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Latest reply: Feb 16, 2007

An atheist in Bizarro World

I've been visiting a blog hosted by P., an atheist mother somewhere here in Cali (I think), and today brought an ominous development.

She had become embroiled with the local fundamentalist preacher, who copped the stereotypical fundie attitude toward her. Words were exchanged, self-righteous calumny delivered, feathers ruffled.

An email from the preacher to P. was forwarded to the local police as evidence of a threat.

Preacher's wife hoped to smooth things out by inviting P. to a church social. P. cautiously agreed, pending certain reassurances.

Preacher nixed the project. Wife e-mailed P. a holier-than-thou dismissal, which was pounced upon by P.'s supporters, much to the discomfort of preacher and wife...

This evening, apparently preacher did something to get himself in trouble with the law. P. is not allowed, or even willing, to discuss it at this point.

My question: what would be the best way to get a fundie off your back, in a situation like this?

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Latest reply: Feb 7, 2007

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