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Anyone who has a copy of the Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien (in English)?

See, I thought I'd specify what elves are on my page, and I liked the description I found in Silmarillion.

Only trouble is I have a copy in Swedish, and I don't believe my knowledge of English beeing quite good enough to translate the text with style and elegance from Swedish to English.

So I would be most grateful if someone could help me with the exact quotation for these parts, roughly described below (taken from Quenta Silmarillion, first chapter):

"But quendi, the elves, shall be the fairest of all earth's beings..." the whole sentence until Atani are mentioned.

"While the elves remain in it (the world) until the end of time..."
the whole sentence until the humans/mankind are mentioned.

Please, please help me... smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jul 1, 2000


Can anyone tell me how to find a busy forum?

I stumbled through lots of forums while searching for my towel, but the latest postings were made days ago...

And checking who's online doesn't tell me where they are, or does it?

Grateful for any tips! smiley - smiley

Simma lugnt! smiley - fish

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Latest reply: Jun 24, 2000

Are U a blood donor?

I finally managed to summon up the courage (don't like needles smiley - sadface )to test if I could be a blood donor, but I couldn't.

However, it turns out I CAN be a plasma donor (plasma is used for making medicines for people who have been badly burned, and other things). Which makes my blood run cold, because you leave blood, separate the plasma, and pump the rest of it back in again, brrrr... But I will give it a try. So what if I faint, I'm already lying down on a coach...

I learnt that in Sweden (where I live) only 3 per cent of all the POSSIBLE donors give blood, while in Finland (where my ancestors are from) 6 per cent are donors. GO FINLAND, GO! smiley - smiley

Anyway, if YOU have a serious accident, do you expect someone else to stand up for you and give you his/hers blood? If so, then YOU should give blood too, right? GIVE BLOOD - GIVE LIFE! smiley - fish

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Latest reply: Jun 20, 2000


Is'nt it amazing, how the very thing you're looking for, is always in the last place you look?

I am a controller by profession (accounts dept.) and today I was searching for a posting that did not match, in the month of May.

I started with the beginning of May, and where do you think I found the fault? 31st of May, of course!
I have tried to fool Destiny a couple of times, but it never works out.
- If I search for a paper at the top of a pile, I will find it at the bottom.
- If I start searching from the bottom of the pile, the paper is almost at the top of the pile (the FIRST paper covering it, of course).
- So, once I tried searching from the top of the pile, and then changed tactics and searched from the bottom of the pile. And do you know - it was right in the middle!!!

I give up - Murphy's law rules!

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Latest reply: Jun 16, 2000

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