Another Researcher at H2G2

Hi ,
My name is Madhur Khandelwal, and I am a graduate student at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA). I am interested in studying the H2G2 community for a class project, alongwith two other students: Arvind and Britt.

I'm interested in exploring questions like:

  • there are criteria for what is acceptable into the edited guide and what is not. how are these determined? are they revised, and if so, how and with whose content?
  • how successful (in terms of generating interesting knowledge, not encyclopedic knowledge) are the two divisions of the site? how do people decide where to contribute, and what kind of things do they write about?
  • what kinds of users exist? do they see h2g2 (also called hootoo, btw!) as a place to hangout and talk to friends? as a live journal kind of experience? do they essentially see it as a place to write in? are these kinds of activities combined, and if so, how?
  • what are the kinds of people who frequent this place? why?
  • how do people navigate affiliation to an organization such as the bbc, which hosts similar communities?
  • why is the place interesting at all? do we see similar patterns of behavior on, say, wikipedia?

To gain deeper insights about H2G2 and how its Researchers (aka you) perceive its community, structure, working etc, I am looking for people to discuss on a one-to-one basis. Please email me if you are interested and want to contribute to my study. I would greatly appreciate your help.
You can also email me if you want to share something interesting (an event or its insight), preferably if it happened in your presence.

If you have any questions or concerns about the study, further information can be found at We can also be contacted through e-mail at: [email protected]

Thank you for your cooperation.

-- Madhur Khandelwal (madhur[AT]cc[.]gatech[.]edu)

And, oh yes: 1*2+97-53-4 = 42!

A note about ethical issues: This project is being conducted for a class assignment only. the correspondence with others will be coded to not give out the researchers' site names. the information gathered will only be discussed in class and the data will thereafter be destroyed.


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h2g2 Researcher-02

Researcher U1297534


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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