cheerup cheerup cheerup
The poem ( a part of it ) that inspires me:
"To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour."
('Auguries of Innocence',W.Blake)
Ok. I am Danica, 15 years old ( but certainly not too young for anything headhurts, no matter what you might think. Never undervalue young people.:-D ). I live in a small country on the South-east of Europe, might heard about it:Serbia. So English is not my first language and I apologize about possible mistakes.
People usually find me unusual.:-D
My hobby is reading. I practice aikido. Go to gymnasium in my town, I am quite a good pupil.
I'm interested in all kinds of things including Philosophy, Physics, Mathematics, etc.
I found out about h2g2 in a book. Douglas Adams is one of my favourite writers although I've read more than two hundred books.

I like funny, spirited people. I am very friendly so feel free to contact me anytime, I adore making friends.;-)
love silly :-P


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