This is the Message Centre for Gnilwob

Hey ho i moved

Post 1

El Fishslayer

G'day mate, and greetings from the pretty low high north (well actually northeast) of Scotland. Being a rather random person with my passwords, e-mail adresses, login names, etc, etc. i got tired of trying to find my old h2g2 page after a couple of hundred messages saying that i'm not who i think i am. So now i'm me, El fishslayer, which i was before but no longer am. Get me? No neither do i!! But one thing is for sure: Aberdeen Sea gulls suckes and i have a new h2g2 account (sorry i can't count either).
But i have a whole lot of nothing on my page, so no need bothering going there ( i bet you will now).
Anyway look out for the dwarf in red tights (is that allowed now or should it be something along "the vertically challenged person in a fitting fabric in a red tone, but in no way associated with any political statement nor copyright violations"??) Aargh i don't know, but say hi when you've flowed out of the corndog and into the nothingness.

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Hey ho i moved

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