This is the Message Centre for J'au-æmne
An invite for j'au-æmne!!
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Started conversation Apr 21, 2004
Hey! Its that time of the year again.... Yes, I've got to wash my socks...
Its the London Summer meet coming up on the 10July, and I'm wizzing about messaging everyone who has atended a London meet in the past but isn't yet signed up!
I'm not trying to pressurise people, honest
But if you are about on the 10 July, and able and want to go to the London meet, the page about it (a little sparce at the moment) is at A2427013; where the 'sign me up thread' can also be found.. I hope
Hope you'l be able to make it!
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An invite for j'au-æmne!!
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