This is the Message Centre for J'au-æmne
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Tatty42 Started conversation Feb 2, 2004
How long ago was the 'P.S.' added to your space?
So, what are you up to now? I see no links to the donut stall on here. Is there still a donut stall? Have you become too busy on account of all the badges down the right hand side? Where has everyone else gone? It's been to long. I'm unaware of all the GuideML now available, of how to smilies, and stuff. I need to relearn it all.
What have I missed? And why are you keeping your eye on me?!
Hope to hear from you soon-ish!
Back. Again.
J'au-æmne Posted Feb 3, 2004
The PS was added a few months ago, I think... when they brought in the tag, which writes out the name of whoever's looking at the page if they're logged in, or writes Unknown Hiker if they aren't... ...lots of people tried to do imaginitive things with it. This was the best I could come up with...
Right now I'm busy being unemployed and getting in the way of my mother Actually I need to get rid of one of the badges since I never ace anyone anymore... I got rid of the link to the donut stall because people hardly used it anymore, y'know?
How're you?
Back. Again.
Tatty42 Posted Feb 4, 2004
Ah, sneaky. You see, that's how long it's been; I didn't even know they had a viewer tag! I admit, I fell for it, lol!
Anyway, I'm good thanks. You still kicking around in the North East? I visited your website, and was mildly surprised to find I _could_ post comments in the weblog section
What about you? Keeping well?
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J'au-æmne Posted Feb 5, 2004
I'm back in Manchester again, but hoping to move to Leeds if someone can be persuaded to give me a job over there...
I'm mildly surprised you could too I'm going to make it all cool, with skins, but... not yet!
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Tatty42 Posted Feb 8, 2004
It seems as though you are keeping an eye on me! I don't live that far from Leeds; well, my permanent residence anyway. What sort of job are you looking for? I recall it mentioning programming on your website, but anything in particular?
Whatever you're planning for your website certainly sounds abmitious!
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J'au-æmne Posted Feb 11, 2004
I'm just looking for anything that'll pay me, basically In the meantime I'm doing a website for my church, which should be fun...
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Tatty42 Posted Feb 26, 2004
I've designed the current website for the university band Unfortunately, I'm still messing around with frontpage, I haven't figured out Dreamweaver or anything else like that. Even Flash confuses me (mind you, that's not hard
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