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Tierra del Fuego

Post 1



I've finished with your entry at A1087346 (Tierra del Fuego). Could you give it a quick check before i send it back?

Let me know if there's anything you want changing smiley - cheers

Joe C

Tierra del Fuego

Post 2


cleverly, it's not mine smiley - smiley I only started subbing it, I couldn't finish because I broke my arm and couldn't manage it..

Tierra del Fuego

Post 3


smiley - erm So how've you managed to get into the Researchers list? That must have taken some sneaky... sneaking around...

Thanks anyway smiley - biggrin

Tierra del Fuego

Post 4


hmm... I don't know... probably best if you take me out again, if you can smiley - smiley

Tierra del Fuego

Post 5


Will do smiley - winkeye

Joe C

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