This is the Message Centre for J'au-æmne

Now I know you've broken a limb...

Post 1


... so I understand that the entry you have left as a subbie is late (I couldn't type with one hand smiley - winkeye)

Would you like me to take this back in-house and we'll give you a fresh batch when you're in full working order.

Get well sweetie.


Now I know you've broken a limb...

Post 2


Thank you! I can just about type with two hands now for a short while, and I start pysiotherapy on Thursday, so hopefully I shall be fighting fit again soon. The only good thing about it is that I broke it the week after the last h2g2 meet... smiley - winkeye

I'll be ready for more whenever you would like me to do some...

Now I know you've broken a limb...

Post 3


Let us know when you'd like another batch! smiley - cheers

And get well soon smiley - nurse

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