This is the Message Centre for third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)
Thanks for the welcome!
BadZen Started conversation Nov 17, 1999
G'day, and thanks for the welcome!
I've spent a little bit of time on boats up in Far North Queensland (around the Torres st, and down to Cooktown
and Cairns) - if you ever get the chance, you should come and visit that part of Australia!
Thanks for the welcome!
third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs) Posted Nov 18, 1999
Howdy. I would love to visit Austrilia somday, but I don't think the University ship would make it she is a fickle old scow. I don't have a motorcycle but I have thoughtabout getting one from time to time. any-way have a greaty time on h2-g2 and anything I can help you with don't hesitate to give me a shout.
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Thanks for the welcome!
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