This is the Message Centre for third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)


Post 1


Hello and welcome to H2G2! So, when you go to all these exotic ports, are you likely to end up in my home town of Southampton? If so, you'll find it a wonderful city!
Essentially, I'm just saying "hi" - we're all a very social bunch here, and love talking to new people. So just go where you feel like it, say hi to everyone, and hopefully I'll see you around!


Post 2

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

Thank you for the welcome this page is just too cool. This summer we will not be going by South Hampton but you never know where we will go next summer. h2g2 is way cool.


Post 3


I agree smiley - smiley It's definately got me hooked - I'm now spending around 4 hours a day here - too freaky considering not that long ago I never went near a computer! Trouble is, everyone's so friendly you don't want to leave - and the humour here's brilliant! Still, I'm sure you'll find that out for yourself. Have a look round, and see you about!


Post 4


I ditto that welcome, third asst.! Have lots and lots of fun while you're on here, and don't hesitate to let any of us know if you need assistance.

Best of luck! smiley - smiley

Amanda ;P


Post 5

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I say welcome too and watch out for that Bluebottle entity. smiley - winkeye



Post 6


Really? What have you heard about this Bluebottle enitity?
Are the rumours that he has six heads and never sleeps unless he's sticking his toungue out true???


Post 7

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I heard about the six heads, and all of them are addicted to H2G2. No more than 2 of them sleep at any time, and they all stick their tongues out randomly, which is most disconcerting.

smiley - smileyLil


Post 8


So you think I'd better watch out for this feller?
Thanks for the warning!


Post 9

Researcher 93445

Third Asst, I just want to warn you...if you're not careful, H2G2 addicts will congregate on your home page. It's sort of like watching aphids take over the vegetable garden. Alas, there is no known cure.

It Takes an Aphid to Know an Aphid

Post 10

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Third Asst. Eng., take no notice of that last post. Think of us as being more like a salon on bumper cars.

Emergent Order of Obssessive Conversationalists (EOOC)
Asteroid Lil

It Takes an Aphid to Know an Aphid

Post 11

Researcher 93445

Hm. That would be...

- A literary salon on the topic of bumper cars?
- A hairstyling salon balanced on bumper cars, careening about?
- A bumper on salon cars turned inside out?

Enquiring minds want to know.

It Takes an Aphid to Know an Aphid

Post 12

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

How about a loose group of conversationistas ricocheting from
subject to subject, forum to forum, jostling, doing U-turns,
changing the subject irresponsibly...


It Takes an Aphid to Know an Aphid

Post 13

Researcher 93445

So, about those beetles: can it really be true that there's no estimate anywhere on the internet of the total weight of all the beetles in the world?

It Takes an Aphid to Know an Aphid

Post 14

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

Non-sense I think I saw such an estimate on some page a friend was telling about seeing on a friends computer! and as we all know if it's on the internet It must be true smiley - smiley (note I have not ben to my page for a while because the WAN went down.) It makes me feel special to have so many completly randoom remarks on my home page smiley - smiley
P.s. If any-one is intrested I will try to take time out from my busy class schudal ::wistling tunelessly:: to post this summer's cruise itenerary. I would be especially intressted in feed back from any one who has visited/lived/is living at any of the ports.
Thanks to every-one


Post 15


has anyone wondered why fish just swin in circles and never in figure-of-eights....?


Post 16

Researcher 93445

Yes, by all means do post that schedule,'ll be interesting to see what you're getting away with under the guise of education. This sounds almost as good a scam as the full-ride scholarship I had for a few years.

As for those fish, Bluebottle...maybe they only do it when you're not watching. Hmmm.... smiley - fish


Post 17




Post 18

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

All my fish swim in moebius strips. smiley - fish

3AE, I also look forward to hearing about your itinerary.



Post 19

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

It's done, the *official* Itenerary is posted on my home page all questions,comments,and snide remarks are quite welcome.
p.s. all the fish I have kept over the years swim in water. smiley - winkeye


Post 20

Teaserman the Discontinuous

Hello. I am Teaserman. I am in the process of buzzing every forum in the H2G2 universe. Buzz. Thank you.

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