A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop
A14190644 - Let us no longer call this bruised thing love
ianhimself Started conversation Sep 7, 2006
Entry: Let us no longer call this bruised thing love - A14190644
Author: ianhimself - U5477852
taking the sonnet form and trying to create something where each is complete in itself, and yet the whole is greater than the sum of the 4 parts...
or something....
comments welcome
A14190644 - Let us no longer call this bruised thing love
U1250369 Posted Sep 8, 2006
I loved it.
Perfectly captures the distance in a once loving relationship
(Would you just have a look at part 2 please. Is 'reminder' the right word).
A14190644 - Let us no longer call this bruised thing love
ianhimself Posted Sep 8, 2006
Yes it's an ugly word ..... however, it's not just a straight thessauraus job ..... i have to find a word with three syllables.... and the right structural flow ... that says what i want it to say ...
all ideas gratefully seized on!!
A14190644 - Let us no longer call this bruised thing love
U1250369 Posted Sep 8, 2006
I read it several times, and wasn't sure if that's what you wanted to say. But, it works.
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A14190644 - Let us no longer call this bruised thing love
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