A Conversation for Games Room


Post 1

Icy North

This is an interactive game, in which you have to identify the famous person from the "doppelganger" name.

When you solve it, you post another doppelganger for someone else to solve.

So how do you create a doppelganger? It's easy-ish, just follow these steps:

1. Think of a famous person (say "Julie Andrews")

2. Think of two more famous people, one who shares the person's first name (say "Julie Christie") and one who shares the person's second name (say "Eamonn Andrews").

3. The doppelganger name is the new first name and the new second name ("Eamonn Christie")

So I post "Eamonn Christie" and you have to work out the answer "Julie Andrews".

Still with me? Never mind, you'll soon pick it up.

Let's get cracking with an easy one:

Lionel Curtis


Post 2


Tony Curtis and Lionel Blair = Tony Blair,yeah!


Post 3


I'll let someone else have a go at posting one Icy, could take me a while to think of one!smiley - ok?


Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

I was stuck with Lionel Richie - glad you solved it, Arty smiley - biggrin


Post 5

Icy North

Come on Arty, I didn't expect to have to convene the Rules and Ethics Committee so soon.

I'll post one, but I do expect solvers to be ready with a new doppelganger of their own smiley - smiley

I forgot to mention in post 1, that speeling is not important, so long as the name sounds similar.

Ray Naseem Hamed


Post 6

aka Bel - A87832164

Well, I'm probably wrong, but I think it's Prince Charles smiley - silly

(Ray Charles, Prince Naseem Hamid)


Post 7

Icy North

The good news is: Price Charles is correct, Bel.

The bad news is: it's your turn smiley - smiley


Post 8

Icy North

I'll post an easy one while we're waiting, Bel:

Denzel Clooney


Post 9


I'm owed a turn Icy so I'll post in B'elanas absence. I hope I've got this right!
John Coltrane


Post 10


Denzel Washington and George Clooney= George Washingtonsmiley - ok
John Coltrane


Post 11

Icy North

Robbie Williams

David Dodd


Post 12

aka Bel - A87832164

Daryl Hannah ?

just in case I'm right

Martin Chaplin


Post 13

Icy North

Hi Bel,

No it wasn't Daryl Hannah. It's a well-known UK politician. To be honest, I've never heard of Daryl Dodd or David Hannah either smiley - smiley

Is yours "Charlie Sheen"?


Post 14

aka Bel - A87832164

Yes, Charlie Sheen is right. To be honest, I've never haerd of anybody named Dodd before, so I googled it, and I got a few Dodds to choose from. It looks, as if my choice was wrong smiley - smiley
Too tired right now to try again, though.smiley - sleepy


Post 15


Ken Livingstone

Norah Baker


Post 16


Tom Jones.

Zandra Kemp


Post 17

Icy North

Gary Rhodes

Ronnie Lawley


Post 18


Sue Barker

Arnold Powell


Post 19

Icy North

Robert Palmer

Victoria Hassellhoff smiley - laugh


Post 20

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

David Beckham (if I've worked this game out...)

So I should have

Graham Regina.

smiley - erm

smiley - musicalnote

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