A Conversation for HMS Victory - First Rate Museum Ship

Peer Review: A87948643 - HMS Victory - First Rate Museum Ship

Post 1

SashaQ - happysad

Entry: HMS Victory - First Rate Museum Ship - A87948643
Author: SashaQ - happysad - U9936370

Thanks go to Bluebottle for giving me the impetus to write this Entry after I visited HMS Victory recently smiley - biggrin

A87948643 - HMS Victory - First Rate Museum Ship

Post 2


Good to see this in Peer Review! There are a couple of things I would have expected to see in the entry – firstly the famous plaque on the upper deck that reads 'Here Nelson Fell' (it used to be on a raised lump so generations of tourists have tripped over on the same spot since, but that has fortunately been solved now). Secondly, HMS Victory is the oldest commissioned warship on smiley - earth and still manned by the Royal Navy. Not many serve on board, but if there's another war it is reassuring to know that there are indeed Royal Navy personnel ready at a moment's notice to go to the ship's bar for a smiley - ale (which is out of bounds to most visitors). (USS Constitution is the second-oldest commissioned warship and the oldest still on wet stuff).

The other point was the opening paragraph is a tad confusing. You've written:

"She ('It' has been used as the pronoun for ships by Lloyd's List since 2002, but this Entry will use 'She' in the 'respectable maritime tradition'.) is best known as the flagship in Horatio Nelson's fleet of the Royal Navy and the ship on which he died during the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. It now forms…"

Immediately after saying you are going to use 'She' you use 'It'.smiley - headhurts


A87948643 - HMS Victory - First Rate Museum Ship

Post 3

SashaQ - happysad

Thanks for reading smiley - biggrin

Well spotted on the 'it' - I had a dilemma on what pronoun Victory might use, so I mixed 'she' and 'it' at first, and missed one when I finally decided smiley - ok

I've added more detail about what the ship is like and what visitors can see - you're right that that was something that was missing from the Entry smiley - ok I appreciate your expertise in checking that, as I can't visualise the ship very well myself from the pictures I've found... I was very grateful to be able to visit the Lower Gun Deck, though - very cleverly made accessible smiley - biggrin

A87948643 - HMS Victory - First Rate Museum Ship

Post 4

SashaQ - happysad

I added a couple more links and corrected a few typos smiley - ok

A87948643 - HMS Victory - First Rate Museum Ship

Post 5


A87948643 - HMS Victory - First Rate Museum Ship
Post 1

SashaQ - happysad and 'slightly mad'
Started conversation Sep 20, 2019

A87948643 - HMS Victory - First Rate Museum Ship

Post 6


Well done SashaQ smiley - cheers

One point the water that gets into the ship dose not go into the holds, it ends up in the bilges. Bilges also have baffles to prevent the water surging and making the ship hard to handle.

Wikipedia have a good entry.

Good worksmiley - biggrin

A87948643 - HMS Victory - First Rate Museum Ship

Post 7

SashaQ - happysad

Thanks bob smiley - cheers

I have updated the Entry to mention the bilges smiley - ok

A87948643 - HMS Victory - First Rate Museum Ship

Post 8


Well done excellent entry smiley - biggrin

A87948643 - HMS Victory - First Rate Museum Ship

Post 9

SashaQ - happysad

Thanks bob smiley - biggrin

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Post 10

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