A Conversation for Scheduled Maintenance at h2g2

4 hours and counting

Post 21


*sigh* It would take too long to explain, and besides, you'd had to have been there¹.

¹Which would have been slightly difficult because it was invitation-only.

4 hours and counting

Post 22

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Dear Loony,

You are invited to a party on my blue submarine.

Booze and food provided.

Wear a jaunty nautical hat.

Yours sincerely,

4 hours and counting

Post 23

Sporkulious Eglon

What's gone is gone: LET IT GO!

4 hours and counting

Post 24

cafram - in the states.

*standing here, nodding my head and smiling like I understand*

4 hours and counting

Post 25


Loony: Better check the holographic image. I think you've been scammed. smiley - winkeye

4 hours and counting

Post 26

cafram - in the states.

*smiling, looking intelligent*

4 hours and counting

Post 27

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Removes jaunty hat. Scratches head. Glares omniously

4 hours and counting

Post 28


*blinks* Sowwy, Loony... But it was a special edition party and sadly it's over. *sniffles*

4 hours and counting

Post 29

cafram - in the states.

*looking stupid*

4 hours and counting

Post 30

Sporkulious Eglon

*trys hardest not to look at all like Cafram (not that there's anything wrong with that)

4 hours and counting

Post 31


Wanders backwards through old threads ... Now -where- did I leave off?

4 hours and counting

Post 32

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Mice in the belfry?

4 hours and counting

Post 33

Researcher 99947

this isn't an old forum at all... why, I have an unwrapped twinkie that's almost as fresh as this forum smiley - winkeye

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