A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A14350781 - lost love

Post 1


Entry: lost love - A14350781
Author: ianhimself - U5477852

it's an idea i have .... about the last time a man falls in love .... feels like a teenager.... he's middle aged and never expected it.... and he's scsred that he might not hold on to it..... so he .... ah well, that would spoil the story....

i don't know it this could become a story.... if it's intgeresting or readable .....

tell me ....... vote yes or no and let me know if i ought to go on .....

ps ... why are the initials of French Connection United Kingdom ... as displayed on T shirts across the land deemed offensive by the BBC?

A14350781 - lost love

Post 2


I'm with you, Ian.

Splendidly written, though I haven't read half. (back later...)

A good and engaging perspective on August.

It's the eyes that show beauty, innit? The windows of the soul?

A14350781 - lost love

Post 3


Wonderful to read, Ian. But like Xantief, I must return at a later date to finish the story.

I don't know why the BBC doesn't like the initials. Maybe it's because they're suggestive

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