Pictures: Literature

To use any of the following pictures in Guide Entries or on your Personal Space, simply cut and paste the GuideML shown next to each picture, and include this in your entry or Personal Space Introduction. To find out more on writing entries in GuideML, we recommend you take a look at the GuideML Clinic.

Author Kurt Vonnegut.
The author Thomas Hardy
A 1920s car, a monacled Lord and an open book.
A naughty schoolgirl called Marmalade.
A 'film noir' scene of a woman smoking in a dimly-lit room
Lord Byron
Fyodor Dostoevsky
A pink flag against a blue
background advertising National Poetry Day
Library books on a shelf
A 1940s gangster holding a stick of rock in a frame made of rock candy
Michel de Montaigne pictured on a scroll next to a quill
Characters from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
A book bearing a picture of the 'hiding place'.
A man in green with a feather in one hand and drawing a theatre curtain with the other
Professor Branestawm
A picture of JRR Tolkien
Child on a book cover
William Shakespeare suffering from writer's block
Shakespeare and the Soliloquy from Hamlet.
Peter Pan's hat
The Gormenghast novel with ivy growing round it.
Enid Blyton's Famous Five!
A list of Shakespeare's Tragedies, surrounded by tear drops.
Tevye sitting on a wagon wiping away a tear.
Three books on a victory podium
A graphic novel
Douglas Adams vs Terry Pratchett

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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