Pictures: North America

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A volcanic geyser blows a jet of water into the air.
The star-spangled banner.
A bus travelling across North America
Yankee Doodle.
John F Kennedy and an American flag.
A European encountering a Native American
John Glenn
Inukshuk - a man-shaped
stone monument
A map of Canada
Two members of a Mariachi band
A cowboy and a horse at a bar
Map of the USA
All the great things about Moab, Utah
Pulling pints in Texas
Trousers and pants
Map of Midland, Michigan
Map showing location of Hamilton Mountain
The upper peninsula of Michigan looks like a rabbit
Texan in a t-shirt
A Texan truck
Wolf framed by a guitar
A hula girl playing the ukulele
Inuit, Sugpiag and Yupi'k Indians proclaiming their correct names.
The Bayou.
11 September, 2001
A member of the Sioux Nation
Modern-day protesting Shoshone Indians.
A glass of Mexican water
The Grand Canyon
A Pima woman basket weaving.
Aztlan - Mythical Homeland of the Aztecs

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