A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

Post 21


Louisiana is celebrating Mardi Gras until March 6 this year. Parades, music, parties, balls etc.

Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

Post 22

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

That is very much to their credit. smiley - ok

Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

Post 23


Six months after Katrina, New Orleans celebrated Mardi Gras. The parade schedule was shortened.


Baton Rouge has the Spanish Town parade, The Krewe of Mutts parade and other events.

And, we have done three or four Krewe of H2g2 parades on the campsite. smiley - winkeye

Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

Post 24

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Were the parade floats on boats> smiley - bigeyes

Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

Post 25


No, sorry , normal floats.

When we went, pre Katrina, we would look for a spot on a particular stretch of St. Charles street. For whatever reasons that was a tradition of Mike's family. One year we bought tickets for the grand stands for Endymion which is a Saturday night large parade. Bacchus is the Sunday night parade. Rex is the huge and final parade on Fat Tuesday and usually ends around midnight.

High school bands march these parades and get paid to do so as well as compete with the other bands.

Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

Post 26


I think a lot of single people feel Valentine's Day is Celebrate Coupledom day, AKA rub the noses of those without partners in their single status day. In an already depressing month, those who are alone feel even more miserable. As I'm happy in my singledom, it kinda just passes me by, and I don't really have any feelings about it either way.

That said, I'm off to my brother's soon to babysit the kids while he and my sister-in-law celebrate in style...by attending a parent-teacher evening. I feel the headmaster has shown a real lack of thought by holding it tonight, for both the parents AND the teachers, who are stuck at school until 8.30pm. At least the parents get to do it together.

I've spent the day with my big love...Harry, my dog smiley - love. And soon I'll be spending some time with my other big loves...my niece & nephews. Who needs a valentine eh? smiley - biggrin

Deb smiley - cheerup

Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

Post 27

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I'm single too, but I enjoy romantic comedies. The color scheme for Valentine's Day is something I enjoy. And there's some great candy -- or there would be if I didn't have to go easy on anything with sugar in it.

Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

Post 28

Baron Grim

I just got a Valentine box of candies (home made turtles)!

This is a momentous occasion! smiley - laugh

Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

Post 29

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

My bride can't handle many maraschino cherries, won't even ponder fresh beast heart, and I was too lazy to go to a flower shop and see what is left.

So I just had a guy slay some good sized crustaceans for her. She liked that very much.

Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

Post 30

Baron Grim

smiley - offtopic I made some maraschino flavored mead a few months ago. smiley - offtopic

Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

Post 31

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Today I had coffee at Whole Foods, accompanied by a heart-shaped tart with chocolate crust and fresh raspberries.

Tonight I will see "Isn't it romantic," a movie comedy starring Rebel Wilson who has somehow found herself in a universe in which everyone thinks she's beautiful smiley - ok.

Sort of like the total perspective vortex, but without Zaphod Beeblebrox's weirdness.

Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

Post 32

Baron Grim

The plot reminds me of that horrible piece of dreck with Jack Black and Gwenneth "BrainfullofGoop" Paltrow, Shallow Hal. smiley - yuk

Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

Post 33

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I don't think I've come across "Shallow Hal" before. I'd probably love it,* but "Isn't it romantic" is what's playing in my area now.
smiley - evilgrin

*It was nominated for three Teen Choice Awards.

Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

Post 34

Baron Grim

No, you probably wouldn't love it. It is extremely insulting to plump women. It tries to redeem itself at the end, but it's basically an excuse to make a whole lot of fat jokes.

I normally like Jack Black films, but I don't recommend this one.


Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

Post 35

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"Isn't it romantic" satirizes romantic comedies. It was fun, and it took my mind off my drab, wretched life.

Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

Post 36


I celebrate it at work.

- It motivates kids to write in English.
Sometimes I arrange a huge piece of paper on the wall of the corridor so that they can leave their messages to other kids. The content of the messages is about love in general, love for your mum, grandpa, pet, your friend... nothing about romantic/couple love is expected.

This time, I gave them a card with a pop-up heart (a template they had to cut out, fold and write nice friendly words to their classmates, previously matched at ramdon)

As a couple, we never celebrate it. Nor our wedding anniversary... Even the birthdays aren´t much celebrated.
However, we give us some treats whenever we can.

and .... who needs s. Valentine when Many times, my dear man gives me defty massages on my feet while we are on the sofa. That is what I call true love. smiley - love

Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

Post 37

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - smiley

Why celebrate Valentine's Day?

Post 38

SashaQ - happysad

"it will be interesting to see what smiley - 2cents will buy smiley - okA87904911smiley - rose "

This year the shops weren't too extravagant on the smiley - rose front (certainly I didn't see anything anywhere near 100 roses in one bunch being advertised) but I did have two choices - £35 for a dozen large red roses smiley - rose in a fancy bouquet wrap or £5 for a dozen small but fresh red roses smiley - rose in plain wrap.

The £5 bunch was perfect for me and my invisible darling D to enjoy on Valentine's Day smiley - loveblush

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