A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 6541


The Wash-Tower?

With the vertical clothes-line?

Perhaps that goes a bit beyond Night-hoovering.


Post 6542

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Even towers need an hoover, from time to time smiley - zen My hoover really sucks.... smiley - groan


Post 6543

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

This is getting silly.

I like that. smiley - smiley


Post 6544

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

gosh.... if this is only just* getting silly.... We've got worse problems than anyone potentially ever realised. an alternative reality universe we may be occupying, but surely some laws of universal silliness must apply? - Dawson's first law of silliness perhaps... or Dod's silliness constant equasion... I'm not certain... I guess at the end of the day, it all rather depends on one's perspective, or viewpoint... or maybe its just an odd angled hoover-attachment smiley - alienfrown Only nighthoover has the answer... and maybe the Diddy men, of ourse... mathematical geniouses... smiley - zensmiley - scientist


Post 6545

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

At the end of the day, we have the next day's morning. smiley - online2long
That's nothing if not silly. So, even though it's dark, it's still a morning, which is considered part of a day.

An island off the southern tip of Italy is where the Sisilliest Italians live. But don't let on that I said this. As they fit my feet for concrete shoes, I will swear that it was all a typo. smiley - grovel

Jack and Jill went *up* the hill for their water? That is truly silly! Water doesn't go uphill unless you don't want it to.


Post 6546


Great earwax Charlie Brown!


Post 6547

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

for, as sure as day follows night, so night follows night.... perpetually night after night.... so many nights.... so much hovering to be done smiley - zen Probably about time to spring clean... only I can't find any springs to clean, unless I dismantle the bed matress of course smiley - erm I think the voodoo mice have a lot to answer for... smiley - mouse


Post 6548

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I drink springwater in the Spring, and summerwater in the summer.


Post 6549

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

to each a season, to each season a sensibility smiley - zen so, to each a season a silliness... perhaps smiley - alienfrown or a hoover, of course smiley - zen


Post 6550

Icy North

It’s only now I realise I’ve never seen Jane Austen and 2legs in the same room.


Post 6551

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Jane Austen has been dead for almost 200 years, but Jaine Austen is alive (if fictional) and solving mysteries with her untrusty cat Prozac by her side.



Post 6552

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

We are all but both in our eternal state of being both dead and alive. Our aliveness is, of course, but an aperation created so it is said, by the random electrical impulses generated by the movement of irons. Are the ions alive? is calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium alive? I fear not... therefore perhaps we are not alive.... Just perceiving that we are alive...... both existing and non-existing, for all eternity; as the generation of our faulse sense of aliveness is but a creation of the ions, atoms, themselves, which are, of course, eternal. smiley - zen

Which, in a roundabout, circular kind of a way, reminds me, in a most circumlocating kind of spatial physical conformation, that, I do, again, appear to have misplaced the particular arrangement of atoms, which my string-winder is appearing to be constructed from.... Mind, now, of course, I realise the string-winder may, itself not exist, for how can it exist, when we ourselves, are all in our continual state of existing and non-existing? smiley - erm

I need stronger coffee. smiley - runsmiley - coffee Only nighthoover has the answer, probably.... smiley - zen


Post 6553

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Nighthoover is 17 years older now than he was when he/she tried to secede from the sovereign state of H2G2. He (or she) may have a doctorate in silliness (PHS), or may be on the wait staff of a restaurant between roles on the Great White Way or the West End. Or working for some evil corporate juggernaut that manufactures hacker software smiley - evilgrin. Or is sitting in the park right now, remembering the few brief but ecstatic moments of being with us in this glorious undertaking. smiley - smiley


Post 6554

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

a lone... but not alone... dark shadowy figure, seated, alone, on a bench in a dim lit park.... reminiscing... remembering.... never forgetting... and... then alighting from the bench, carrying aloft the holiest of hoovery hoovers... starts hovering the park smiley - wowsmiley - zen

maybe nighthoover irons during the day... smiley - ermsmiley - headhurts


Post 6555

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Or pumps iron.


Post 6556

Baron Grim

Or maybe, preferring flat shoes, he irons pumps. smiley - tongueincheeksmiley - run


Post 6557

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

all possibilities are possible. smiley - erm - it is the way of possibilitys smiley - zen

Which reminds me, yet again, of a day, long long ago... by the sea... a pebble... apon the shore.. a single pebble, admist a thousand thousand pebbles. Yet... a lone pebble? Or not? Within the gatherederness of so many pebbles, the pebble is both alone, yet not alone, perpetually moving, yet stationary within its closeness to all the other pebbles; yet, despite the closeness, so distant, apart, not as one, yet not other one with them.
Such is the line of our lives, always as one, yet always within the many. - for who is to say that the pebble is even there..... was it ever thus... I'm no longer sure. Perhaps it was the cold wind, maybe the crashing waves, or, maybe, even, the empty coke cans, scattered on the shore line... somehow the nmoise... and the scilence of the pebble, melding together, creating a singularity of pure existence.... Just like the hoover in the night... I think you'll probably agree smiley - zensmiley - huh


Post 6558

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Singularity of pebbleness?

Two possibilities:

1. It's far too profound for me to understand

2. There's nothing inside that thought. It may look nice, sound like something sensible, and even taste interesting (though too hard for my teeth), but the interior, where you should find stuff, is without stuffing. But worry not! Half of the movies I see are like that.

Who is your agent, 2Legs?


Post 6559


Don't you ever wonder what it is about that one special pebble that catches and holds your attention?


Post 6560

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The fact that it can't be fired by Trump? smiley - tongueout

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