This is the Message Centre for Anonymouse

Fun Run

Post 1

Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690572] :: At the 51st centile of ursine intelligence

[X] I am interested in the Fun Run process
[X] I would like to know more but am too [_]Stupid [_]Lazy [X]Confused to find out.

[X] Please rush me details on how to do that thing.

No credit card number is required at this stage.

Fun Run

Post 2


Click on the funrun homepage link from the bottom of my page... Then talk to vegiman, he seems to run things. smiley - winkeye

Fun Run

Post 3


Who - Little Ol me !!!
vegimansmiley - smiley

Fun Run

Post 4


Oh my! It is He! *bows to the ---* Ooooh! What's that? *nibble*

(Yes, I've been reading Sluggy again. smiley - winkeye)

Fun Run

Post 5


I feel sluggish too.

Good night
vegimansmiley - smiley

Fun Run

Post 6


Good night sounds inviting (no, not you, my beddish thing), but I'm too busy trying to catch up... vainly. smiley - erm


Post 7

Sporkulious Eglon

Hello... just wanted to stop in and say HI, since it seems that you're on this whenever I am... Sorry, haven't been around much, just got interested in this thingy last Thursday, and just now have decided to explore...

Well, I would like to hear back from you... haven't made many friends here. Just Baron Shatturday and Fenchurch M. Mercury...

Stop by my page if you like, though be aware that its under construction.

Tata, Tootles, and Cheerios


Post 8


Hello there. smiley - winkeye


Post 9

Sporkulious Eglon

Hello here


Post 10


Hi from vegismiley - smiley

Please feel free to wonder around - I have not the time (much to my disgust) to visit newbies pages these days. When time is a little more available I will - I am now organising Fun Run3 which is advertised on Annonymouse's home page. Hope to see you all around more.
vegimansmiley - smiley


Post 11


Which I still have to get my arse in gear and do. smiley - sadface

I'm in a quandry over the Hillbilly thing. Dancing Tree still doesn't like my bullets, but the consensus seemed to be that they were a good thing. Given the proximity of DT to TPTB (or TPTWVH) I'm now so nervous I haven't made but the most minor adjustments to the real deal, other than a pointer to the editors (comment fashion) to the alternate version... Oh dear oh dear oh dear.. *scurries in circle chasing and nibbling on tail*


Post 12


The best thing to do is put a remark to the editor at the beginning of your page IE:

<!-- TO THE EDITOR - One sub editor feels that the bulets should be removed but the feelings of other researchers who reviwed it in the Fun Run say they should stay. I leave it up to you to decide which is best - I have left them in - Thank you Annonymouse.
OK Nonnie - Have you recieved my Email.
vegimansmiley - smiley


Post 13


Yes, but I still haven't received the sleep I promised myself. smiley - winkeye


Post 14

The Dancing Tree

You could, of course, just ignore be entirely and go with the flow. Move with the movers. Waft with the waffles. Ahem ...

<!-- one sub-editor is disagreeing with everyone else, so we had him shot and stuffed with small tins of peas. He still doesn't like the bullet points much, but now isn't in a position to say anything about it. No, really -->

Yes. Well, no, actually. That wasn't etnirely true. I didn't want to make you "confuzzled". Really. I was only trying to help.

(Sub-eds disappears for three days, musing on the meaning of life and waffles. Due to a freak accident with a waffle and a time machine, he returns at exactly the same hour as he left with his final conclusions).

The fact of proximity to PTB's probably doesn't matter too much. Honest. What you should do is this: print both versions, and then decide what *reads* better. Not what looks good on screen, in a sandwich, or more "funky" (box tags excepted).

As for life: it happens.


Post 15


Oh dear oh dear... no no no.. *hops in DT's pocka*

*queaks* I really don't think a demise (mysterious or not) is required at this time!

And I kinda don't want to add a note like that just yet, either... I don't want to seem like I'm not grateful (which I am! ... erm.. grateful, that is) for your comments and considerations.

It's just that, though the researchers may like it one way, it's the editors who decide. And I'd -really- like to have at least -one- article accepted! (Okay, so I'm shamelessly .... *anxiety attack*...)


Post 16

The Dancing Tree

Uh, I wasn't actually suggesting that you add that comment, although it might have raised some eyebrows, especially on how one can stuff someone full of tins of peas!

The way to look at it is this: it's a guide to read, rather than a bunch of lists. In my case, I have converted a couple of entries like your original to the way I rewrote it. But that's *personal preference*, and other subs may (read: almost certainly) have different ideas. That's what makes us all so cuddly and fun.

Or something.

Some like bulleted stuff. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The problem with your article it that it works both ways, just differently. It's up to you to decide which *you* like better. Either that or flip a coin!!!


Post 17


Uhm... I was actually refering to veggie's -comment-. smiley - winkeye


Post 18

Sporkulious Eglon

the whole idea of the fun run intrigues me, but I think that if I tried it I should become quite confused...


Post 19


Hi I,m dropping in to have my two cents worth - AS DT says it works both ways - Most Ed's have there own views as to what is and what is not right for the guide. If they don't like what they see but like the article and can alter it to make it into a worthy entry - they will do just that. Sometimes it looks nothing like the original article but contains the basic facts of the reseachers work.

Whether you submit with or without bullets really makes no differents 'the Subs gotta do what a Subs gotta do' so submit and be dammed.

Sporkulious Eglon
By all means stay away from the fun run and miss out on the fun - just kidding. You are welcome to enter a page and discover the joys of being slated. It realy does help and the advice given is getting better all the time.

Loony and myself have started to extend the Critique Idea and the first page of help and info has just been completed:

A guide to the world of h2g2 rejection

Something that reseachers and Subs should find helpful.

catcha vegimansmiley - smiley


Post 20

Sporkulious Eglon

Ah- I was on that page a few days ago, and just about an hour ago again- good job!

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