This is the Message Centre for BigBlueTruck

Hey Hun

Post 21


Tried to be too clever eh????? smiley - blacksheep

That will never do!

Hey Hun

Post 22



This is my email if you want to stay in touch [email protected]
smiley - laugh It's an old nickname OH called me when we first met.
Hope you're well.

Hey Hun

Post 23


Cheers TLJ! smiley - choc or smiley - ale - whichever suits your mood...

Hope you're feeling happier soon, my e-mail is on this thread a few posts back, but I'll be in touch to see how you're you're doing if that's okay. You've obviously had a really rough few days and I'm thinking of you and sending smiley - hugs your way. smiley - cheerup

smiley - smiley

Hey Hun

Post 24


Carol - please check the Email address you used and put it on here.
It's telling me it's not recognised

smiley - blacksheep

Hey Hun

Post 25


I mean mine not youre smiley - doh

Hey Hun

Post 26


smiley - sillysmiley - blacksheep

Hey Hun

Post 27


its [email protected]

I will send something to you to see if you get it!

Hey Hun

Post 28


Have you got it?
I thought it was [email protected] but says not

Hey Hun

Post 29

smileycarol you numpty!!!!

smiley - silly

Hey Hun

Post 30


oh and two not too!!

Not bad though!!!

For an old bloke and father of many!!

smiley - rofl

Hey Hun

Post 31


I ahve a home to go to so I am off.

Night all and good luck again BBT

We will be thinking of you

smiley - smiley

Hey Hun

Post 32


Sorted - smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

Hey Hun

Post 33


smiley - cheers

Hopefully see you all Thursday anyway fo ran update as they've just said it _will_ be a normal working day to lunch time. (Although WHAT is the POINT?!smiley - yikes)

Hey Hun

Post 34


smiley - ok BBT

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