This is the Message Centre for holly

At Last!

Post 1


Hi hunny hows it going? I know lifes throwing a lot your way at the minute smiley - headhurts but I hope all gets better soon smiley - hug

At Last!

Post 2


Hi holly thanks for your lovely words.

I actually dont seem to have saved your email address if you still have mine you can email me if you wish.

I have added you to my friends smiley - hugsmiley - hug

At Last!

Post 3


PSD you're on my friends too smiley - hug

I'm: [email protected]

I can't find your email addy either but we shall get there soon, take care of yourself Fiona and if you need anything at all, anytime hun, give me a shout, speak soonsmiley - hug

PS. Lurve the smileys on here smiley - laugh

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