This is the Message Centre for Avalonia

offend? Not likely. :)

Post 1


I must say I quite enjoyed the page you put up about magick (oops.. i tend to spell it majik, since that's the name of my machine.smiley - smiley) Very eloquently put, and about time someone had a go at some of the misconceptions. smiley - ok I know, I know.. it's not the first time, but ... there's still so much of it out there. smiley - blue

Glad to have you aboard! smiley - teasmiley - strawberriessmiley - chocsmiley - bubbly

smiley - bluefishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - orangefish

smiley - rose

offend? Not likely. :)

Post 2


Thank you.

I am not online here much as another community I am very involved with keeps me busy, as well as my own website 'Avalonia' - I will try and stop by at least once a week if I can and might dig out some other old articles by myself and David for inclusion here.

xx S.

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