A Conversation for Faculty of History, Philosophy and Spirituality

Uni: The First Crusade

Post 1

Gnomon - time to move on

Project Title: The First Crusade

A-number of Project Title Page: A63492447

Description of Project: This is a look at the bizarre military expedition undertaken at the end of the 11th Century known later as the First Crusade, outlining the reasons for it, the people involved, and a history of the expedition itself. It's written in five parts.

Proposed Completion Date: I've finished the writing, so as soon as the editors and sub-editor (Galaxy Babe) get around to it.

Uni: The First Crusade

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I'll email the Eds for control of the entries to be passed to mesmiley - run

Uni: The First Crusade

Post 3


Edited Entries:
A63492302 - Setting
A63492320 - Into Muslim Territory
A63492339 - Antioch
A63492375 - Straying from the Path
A63492393 - Jerusalem


Uni: The First Crusade

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

Project page undeleted.

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