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Round Robin 2007

Post 1


Hang on, where'd I put it... Ah there it is. now, just need to edit a bit...

Round Robin 2007

Well the year started with a great night’s crack in the Dufferin Arms in Killyleagh, and I’ve a feeling we pledged we’d be back there at the end of the year. We managed to squeeze in a quick week’s diving in February – in Sharm-el-sheikh, complete with food poisoning. But the main event of 2007 was moving house in March, and after months of poring over plans, agonizing over carpet and paint samples, and choosing kitchen units, we moved into our new home in Lisburn on St Patricks Day. All my furniture came out of storage, Dai’s was transported from Killyleagh, and we set about disposing of the things we had 2 of, via charity donations and ads in the local rag.

Daughter and I both welcomed the later starts in the morning – we’d had to get up at 6.30 and leave Killyleagh by 7.30 to get to school in time, so Lisburn is much more convenient. She’s moved into the A group at stage school, after her wonderful performance in the Irish dancing number of the annual show. She has taken up ballet again, after a gap of several years. It’s very good basic training for all her other types of dancing, and she seems to be doing well at it. Her teacher has put her into a Grade 3 class, and reckons she will get a good result when she sits this important grade early in 2008, but she’s also working with the Grade 5 class, who are more her peers and she’s having no problems dancing to that level.

Son is also working for Grade 5 – in percussion. He managed to secure a place in Bangor tech doing music studies, and is enjoying himself there very much. Sighs of relief all round that has found his niche and has the motivation to stick at it. He celebrated his 16th birthday by going to see the Prince of f&%*ing darkness, Ozzy Osbourne in Dublin.

I wasn’t immune from sitting exams either, and with a lot of encouragement and support from Dai, I passed my motorbike test in June. I only had 4 minor faults – I was so chuffed I had the test mark sheet framed. We took a number of fantastic trips on the bikes this year: as pillion I went to Ramelton in March, Llangollen in May, Glen Clova in June (where we couldn’t see a thing for the mist and rain), a 10 day trip round France in July, Achill Island in July, and East Midlands in September. In August I rode my own bike – a F650?thread="/h2g2/categories/C1" >C1 called Betty, which is so neat it can fit on the path at the foot of our front steps.

Cultural highlights of the year included seeing 10cc, Ash, Starlight Express, and the Snow Patrol concert in Ward Park, Bangor. I also managed to see about half a dozen things at the Belfast Festival, which involved advanced spreadsheet skills trying to work out who wanted to see what and when they were available. Dai and I laughed until our sides ached at Tina C, I took neice and daughter to the Potted Potter show at the Lyric, and I introduced daughter to contemporary dance. (Her verdict was that it’s “Random. But in a good way”). For her birthday I took her to London so see Wicked and Billy Elliott, and we’ve been playing the soundtrack every time we’re on a long car journey. We also enjoyed the remake of Hairspray – another firm favourite soundtrack to listen to.

In September we didn’t so much hear the pitter patter of tiny feet as the gadumphing of giant paws, as Maxim von Thunder joined our happy bunch. He’s an absolutely stunning Weimaraner, and attracts attention wherever he goes. He’s also going to be ginormous, so we’re committing to lots of training at this early stage, in order to ensure that he’ll not be completely unmanageable when he’s fully grown. I’m now an old hand at making liver-cake, or “chocolate for dogs”.

Disaster struck in October when a pipe in the en-suite burst, flooding the lounge and garage underneath and causing lots of re-work to be required. It was heartbreaking to see the old oak floor, 75% undamaged, all having to be ripped out and dumped. But we gritted our teeth and soldiered on through the mess.

I started a new job in September which I am finding very fulfilling – hopefully I may even squeeze a business trip or 2 to Brussels.

As the year drew to a close we started to think about holiday plans for 2008, and reasoned that, with the dog, it would make sense to have holidays somewhere pet-friendly, and so began our plan for a little place in the country. Fingers crossed we will be spending a lot of time in our holiday home in Donegal next year.

Movie of the year: The Simpsons

Song of the year: Take That “Rule the World”

Biggest regret of 2007: still haven’t managed to lose much weight

Mountains climbed this year: no actual ones, but completing a 10k run was a toughie.

Life-changing moment of the year: Realisation that my stomach don't like wheat.

Round Robin 2007

Post 2

Demon Drawer

Which 10k course was is Bea? I think I've run most of the ones around there.

Round Robin 2007

Post 3


Twas part of the Lisburn half marathon - so, starting from the Leisure Centre, out past the Maze and back by the hospital.

Round Robin 2007

Post 4

Anna Siren- the heathen of the deep, according to iTunes...

Sounds like you had a damn good year! Wish my year was that good but I can’t remember some of it… a lot of bad bits and some good bits.

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