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Mums, eh? Bless 'em.
Beatrice Started conversation Oct 12, 2006
Me Mum and Dad are coming up for a visit this weekend - but not to my place - gasp- all the way to Dai's gaff in Killyleagh! Now, it may be only 18 miles from Belfast, and since they're coming from the very north coast, a good 2 hour drive should do it. But my Mum has been treating this trip as if it were an assault on Everest!
Anyhoo, she wants to know if we can engineer a meeting with local hero David Healy. Hmmm. I can show her his murial. And since she's addicted to Autumnwatch we can go to Castle Espie and go Bill Oddie spotting. Oh, and look out for some fancy geese while we're at it.
*stocks up on the gin*
Mums, eh? Bless 'em.
Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA! Posted Oct 12, 2006
Mums, eh? Bless 'em.
Beatrice Posted Oct 15, 2006
Had a lovely weekend - they adored Castle Espie, but then I defy anyone not to fall in love with those fabulous duckies.
Too much to eat, too much to drink, but we've got the rest of today to recover
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Mums, eh? Bless 'em.
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