This is the Message Centre for bootiful_heffalump


Post 1

Devonian Fossil

Morning BH, how was your weekend/anniversary? smiley - hug


Post 2



My weekend was lovely thankyou. We didn't do anything particularly amazing but it was just nice and chilled and I've come away from it aLL feeling really relaxed and I can almost feel teh depression starting to ease a bit as well which is just fantastic!!!

I had my hair and nails done on Sat and I LOVE my new hair- as does Robb!!! my nails also needed a bit of tlc so they're looking much more looked-after now!!!!

Then on Snday we went to the European market and spent an absolute fotune....well it was to us anyway!!!!! Check out "my perfect day" thread from yesterday on the MBs!!!!

How about you? get up to anything nice?

Emily xx

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