A Conversation for Tigerstyle

A513352 Tigerstyle

Post 1



Just wondering what kind of style it is best to adopt. Does anyone like this article? Its about a bhangra band from Glasgow. There hasn't been much talking about asian music so here's my attempt. Interested?

A513352 Tigerstyle

Post 2


Sorry THIS is the link:

A513352 Tigerstyle

Post 3


Sorry THIS is the link:

A513352 Tigerstyle

Post 4

Metal Chicken

I think you've the makings of a good article or two here. You've certainly identified an under-represented area of the Guide but I'm not sure about the interview format for a Guide entry. There's loads of interesting facts in there and you'd stand more chance of getting a recommendation if you restructure it so it's more in line with the site guidelines. Also, you used quite a lot of specialised words and phrases that I for one didn't understand, making your article quite hard to read as it stands.

A513352 Tigerstyle

Post 5

Global Village Idiot

I know exactly what MC means, but I quite like this article the way it is. Although we have style guidelines, there have never been any hard and fast rules about what format infomation must be presented in, so long as it's clear, informative and well-written. You might appease the doubters by calling it 'Tigerstyle - an Interview with a Bhangra Band' or something.

For the explanation of the instruments etc, I would strongly recommend you use the tags (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/GuideML-Clinic for help), to get them tidied away to the foot of the page.

Respect for a really good article, though.


A513352 Tigerstyle

Post 6

Global Village Idiot

Another thought - there's more than one way to contribute to the Guide, and this interview would be absolutely perfect for our "community newspaper" - see http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/ThePost

Shazz is always on the lookout for interesting articles and she'd love this, I guarantee it.


A513352 Tigerstyle

Post 7


Cheers bro, where you from anyhow?

A513352 Tigerstyle

Post 8

Global Village Idiot

All over - Watford, Bournemouth, New York, Germany, Holland, Ireland. Been 'most everywhere but Glasgow, in fact smiley - smiley


Post 9

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This thread has been moved out of the Peer Review forum because this entry has now been recommended for the Edited Guide.

If they have not been along already, the Scout who recommended your entry will post here soon, to let you know what happens next. Meanwhile you can find out what will happen to your entry here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/SubEditors-Process


This Thread is closed. Office Hours for this thread are 9am to 5pm, Graunday to Pieday. Thank you for calling.

Post 10

Global Village Idiot

Ah, yes, I was meant to say...

This entry has been plucked from the quagmire of oblivion and sent joyously on its way to the purgatory of editing. Once its judgement day arrives (hopefully before ours does), it shall rise up in glory to the Elysian Fields of the edited guide.

Amen (and congratulations)


This Thread is closed. Office Hours for this thread are 9am to 5pm, Graunday to Pieday. Thank you for calling.

Post 11


*waddles in, hacking and snuffling*

ahem... Mynameisomar? You around here?

Hello, I'm subbing your piece. Please, can you provide a date on which this interview took place? This would be very helpful for future readers. Where the interview took place is also nice to know. I presume you were the interviewer. I could mention all this in a little editorial note without messing with the actual text of your entry. Please reply ASACP (as soon as conveniently possible).

*goes back to doing whatever dark, unspeakable things Sub-editors do in the morning*

This Thread is closed. Office Hours for this thread are 9am to 5pm, Graunday to Pieday. Thank you for calling.

Post 12


GT Bacchus:

I think I've mentioned this to someone else before. I did the interview in a posh-trendy-up-its-own-batty bar called Air Organic in Glasgow in January 2001. I can't give an exact date bcoz I'm a bit sloppy in getting exact dates 6 months after something has haapenned. I'll keep this in mind if I get another good interview, but please 'membah I'm only a voluntary journalist.


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