This is the Message Centre for Lyns

Aye I live in Glasgow...

Post 1


Write to me if you dare. I know of a few experiences I could relate on restauraunts, drink, clubs, pubs blah blah.. I'm thinking about writing something about Paddy's Market and the dodgy dealings of the Barras. Also I wanna write so much about Glasgow's Asian community. I write for a voluntary magazine called Awaz of Scotland. We got onto Anwar Khan's In The Mix programme a few months back but we've been bogged down because we're a bit understaffed.

Maybe we could work together? I need to recruit people for my magazine too you see. Anyway I hope you write me.

See you soon.

Aye I live in Glasgow...

Post 2


Hi - thanks for getting in touch. I've dared to write back! smiley - winkeye Great to hear from you. smiley - smiley Actually we're having a meeting tomorrow night (from 5 onwards) in The Printworks, off George Square, to talk about ideas. Would you be free? Otherwise give me a bell on [Tel. number removed by moderator]and we can have a chat. Lyns

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Aye I live in Glasgow...

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