This is the Message Centre for Falern


Post 1

nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution)

smiley - catsmiley - winkeyesmiley - smiley


Post 2


smiley - bat
Yeah, that's me. That's what I call myself when people ask about my wake and sleep time. First I wanted to use smiley - vampire, but then I read it's note, and decided that the smiley - bat fits me better.
And I love those smilies. They're all (well, maybe not all) cute. I am printing them all! But I think you need a Winged smiley - cat smiley for yourself.
And thanks again, because you are the first who (by that not so long message) honored me and said hi...Correction: Hya!
And what was that? Flattered and Fluttered? Like smiley - blush and smiley - flyhi? I feel myself like them. As the Bene Gesserit always say: "We exist only to serve."

smiley - rose


Post 3

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

::waves:: Hi ya.

Nice to meet you...

Post 4


..."The Average Joe No One Ever Suspects, Keeper of Groovy-ass Black Trenchcoats, PS of Tacky Tourist Souveniers, Doer of Sod-all". just a matter of Curiosity: should I repeat all these long names, every time when I want to call a researcher by name?

smiley - bat

Nice to meet you...

Post 5

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

Nah. Just call me Joe.

Nice to meet you...

Post 6

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Any friend of nims is a friend of minesmiley - cat
Hello Falern, I gave up posting my titles a while ago.
My full name is *deep breath*
Archangel Galaxy Babe, ACE, Keeper of Butterflies, Muse of Astral Delights, Minister for Hugging Males...*scratches head*smiley - biggrin
I am also co-founder of the Chocolate Lovers Fan Club; I'm a member of the Union of Fish, and I learned Bubblish so I could converse with a really cute fishsmiley - winkeye;I belong to the Sidney Kidney Fan Club; the wizard club; I run the Quaint Caress Beauty Shoppe; I also give out Keeper titles...~that~ is a full-time job, now I've got 94 Keepers!smiley - chick
But you can call me GBsmiley - flyhi
See you around!

Nice to meet you...

Post 7

nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution)

Kindly keep your hands to yourself, GB, *I* found this one smiley - biggrin

(just joking. Falern, GB is the most huggable researcher on the site, she's already hugged me out of many deppressions!)

Hi Nim, I got you online!

Post 8


Good morning! How I am Lucky! smiley - smiley

Hi Nim, I got you online!

Post 9

nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution)

Good Morning?!!!!! It's NOON!!!

Besides, I didn't get my daily e-mail, so I'm not talking to you!

(Have to go buy some cake. last day at work - if I show up without something to celebrate, the girls will kill me!)

Nice to meet you too...

Post 10


Hi, GB!
most important of all, where i can find the chocolate lovers club? Second, don't mention to that stupid introduction; just the part Don't Panic! i'm still Paniced. And it seems that you are so familiar with fish, so can tou tell me why my fish bubbles so noisy? i have bad communication problems. Ask Nim.
Anyway, it's good to see an archangle around, especially when you don't believe in them.
Oh, and youcan consider me a victim a Star Trek Mania.

Hi Nim, I got you online!

Post 11


First, It is 11 AM.

Second, I promise i write and find some believable excuses for Delay.

anyway, good luck in shopping.

Hi Nim, I got you online!

Post 12

nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution)

it better be a VERY GOOD excuse - it's now 10:30 pm and I'm still waiting for my mail!

Hi Nim, I got you online!

Post 13

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hello nim!
*hugs nim*
Oh, Falern! Where to start!
OK, the Chocolate Lovers Fan Club is here: - choc
Bring a box of chocs to hand out to the other members and you'll get a lifetime membershipsmiley - biggrin
What was the other thing you said? Oh yes! You're a Trekker? Me too!!
And you really ~should~ believe in Archangels...smiley - angel after all, I'm onesmiley - flyhi
*waves to nim & Falern*
See you soon, I hope!
*flutter of wings*

Hi Nim, I got you online!

Post 14

nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution)

smiley - smiley

smiley - biggrin

Ok, since you put it so nicely - excuses accepted!

smiley - biggrin

But I think I'm going to beat her up ... smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

Hi Nim, I got you online!

Post 15

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*wonders why that link didn't work*???
Try again: - choc

Hi Nim, I got you online!

Post 16

nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution)

GB, can I borrow your shoulder? I need a good bawl (over a story I read, nothing personal)...

PS. where can I get a candle?

Hi Nim, I got you online!

Post 17

nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution)


It seems that we get our e-mails with 24-hour delay. Not bad considering that it has to go to the US server and back, but still...

Anyway, I hadn't used internet all day so I just got your "worry" messages (Saturday, 6:30 p.m.). As my answer might take time to reach you, no I didn't get the other mail. Did you get my "Day Off" mail? If not, tell me here on the forum and I resend it ASAP.


Hi Nim, I got you online!

Post 18


Good eveing, Nim. smiley - smileysmiley - bat (a huge Chauldron of fresh cream in one hand, a colorful furball in the other.)

Another copy of my afternoon mail is on it's way. stand by. I got your mail instantly (about two minuetes after U sent it). anyway, everything's OK?

Hi Nim, I got you online!

Post 19

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

I usually just go buy my candles at the nearest , most convenient store. I never did believe that where you get your equipment matters that much. Oh btw, I kinda sorta up dated a little on my page if anyone wants to take a look. Criticisms welcomed.

Hi Nim, I got you online!

Post 20


Hi, Nim. smiley - smileysmiley - biggrin

Where is my dose please?

BTW? what's the story of candle?

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