This is the Message Centre for Non Juan (aka Mike the Harmless)


Post 1

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

What did you learn reading about spoons? That they are cutlery? That they are a metal or plastic feeding implement with a horizontal sticky - out bit and a curved spoony bit? What???


Post 2

Non Juan (aka Mike the Harmless)


I guess "learned" was really not the right word. It's just that I've never considered the gravity well capabilities of the spoon and just how special that is. After reading the guide entry I rushed home to conduct several experiments involving both liquid and solid substances and confirmed the results. Peanut Butter was an interesting substance to test. Evidently that "stuff" is special in that the friction is in some cases greater than that of gravity (403 ft. above sea level*)

* this is a guess. I'm not sure how high I am smiley - smiley


Post 3

whambamboo (Muse of Suddenly Thinking Of Tremendously Inspiring Haikus, Possibly About Lotus Flowers)

Very good, I applaud your scientific skills. Try school custard next time. It takes at least 30 secs to fall off


Post 4

Non Juan (aka Mike the Harmless)

For my next experiments, I'd like to try something called "spooning" but I've yet to find a suitable female subject. When I do, I will post the results. Custard might even add a new variable to the whole mix. Thanks for the suggestion.


Post 5

Jenny and Fred the cheese

there is condensation on my spoon.


Post 6

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Talking of spoons, why spoon? I raised this question on my homepage and I shall do so again, it's not right as it doesn't go with knife and fork...go on say it out loud and you'll believe me, there's definitely something wrong with itsmiley - smiley


Post 7

Non Juan (aka Mike the Harmless)

Well, when used in the context of food and the consumption thereof, I agree with you for the most part - it does seem silly without a fork (at least).

I think it may have something to do with childhood. It is the first artificial device most infants use for solid food intake (I think ~ World, what's the real story?) and therefore is the 1st tool we use that actually "feeds the need" so to speak. It also represents separation from mom.

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