This is the Message Centre for ianhimself
Hello from The Post
Post Team Started conversation Sep 4, 2006
Hello ianhimself (and welcome to h2g2!),
<./>ThePost</.> is h2g2's community magazine which publishes short fiction, poetry, cartoons, feature articles and regular columns. We at the Post Team were alerted to the writing you've submitted to the Alternative Writing Workshop and it seems to be well-suited for . Are there any (preferably shorter) pieces that you've posted on h2g2 that you'd be interested in submitting to
? Submissions can be sent to our email address, postteam at gmail dot com, or you can just let us know if you'd like us to use any of your work and we can take it from your h2g2 entries.
EMR (Editor)
Hello from The Post
ianhimself Posted Sep 4, 2006
Hi there
Thanks so much for this email. It's very encouraging. I really have no idea which pieces are most suitable, so please feel free to take what you want to take.
Hello from The Post
Post Team Posted Sep 5, 2006
I quite like 'Boy on the Rack', so we've decided to use that. You'll see it in The Post on Thursday!
Hello from The Post
Post Team Posted Sep 5, 2006
Sorry to confuse you again, but having considered it we're not sure that 'Boy on the Rack' will pass the site editors' and BBC's requirements for h2g2's 'family'-appropriate content. We're very sorry to have to contradict ourselves and so ... will 'It Began as Just an Ordinary Day' do?
Sorry about the confusion ... and site policy.
Hello from The Post
ianhimself Posted Sep 6, 2006
sure .. though "ordinary day" is, in my view, a pretty crap piece of writing!..."Boy" was a bit better.... but policy is policy ....
it's so much easier being irish ... we have no policies at all ....
Hello from The Post
Post Team Posted Oct 15, 2006
Hi there!
I was wondering if you would be okay (for this week's Post) with running Sonnets 1, 3 and 4 as one piece (though separated by thought breaks). I understand they're about different subjects, but they share common enough ground to make a nice presentation together (and together would make just the right length for a Post piece).
Let me know what you think.
Hello from The Post
ianhimself Posted Oct 15, 2006
Absolutely fine with me.....
I must try to get something new on soon .... but I am deeply involved now with a novel I'm hoping to get together ...... and have a few "nibblers" interested..... so it's kind of distracting me ..... however, as that probably won't actually go anywhere, I'll refocus soon on short stuff..,
Hello from The Post
Post Team Posted Oct 16, 2006
New stuff is always great - and it'll prevent us having fights with the UnderGuide over who gets to showcase your work!
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Hello from The Post
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