A Conversation for Animated Cartoons in the USA

Peer Review: A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 1


Entry: Cartoon Genius - A87793834
Author: shagbark - U170775

Grabbed from the flea Market and reworked here is a tribute to cartoonists.

A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 2


the original can be found at A72210smiley - biggrin

A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 3


smiley - erm I meant A772210smiley - blush

A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 4


smiley - lurk

A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 5


The content is excellent well done a header or two would perhaps improve the flow.

smiley - applausesmiley - cheers

A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 6


Headers added.

A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 7


Thats better

This might need a tweek from -
>also gave birth to a prodigy child known as the Simpsons.<

To something like -
>also gave birth to a prodigy child known as Bart Simpson.>

smiley - ok

I can see no other points, well done smiley - cheers

A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 8


In line with trying to mention the men behind the strips I have added names to the creators of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and mentioned it was first a comic Book. Also I rewrote the intro to the Simpsons

A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 9


Good idea well done smiley - ok

That looks about it now smiley - applause

A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 10


smiley - biro I just spotted and corrected one typo.
Any other spelling, Capitalization, or punctuation correction that needs doingsmiley - huh

A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 11


Looks OK to me smiley - smiley

A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 12


I always love seeing a Flea Market Rescue, so well done for taking this on and returning it to Peer Review where it belongs.

The one question I have with this is one raised in the original Peer Review thread; this is a very American-centric piece. I personally would like to see either one of two approaches made:

1.) Change the title to inform readers that this is American-centric. This is the approach that the original entry made, which was re-named 'Cartoon Genius in the US'. That means you can legitimately concentrate on the cartoons from only one country. Alternatively,
2.) Add some non-American examples, if this article is to be about cartoons from all around the world. Japanese anime certainly deserves at least a brief mention, as do French and British animation.

(I confess I'm also intrigued about what makes a cartoon genius and what doesn't, and whether the use of cartoons in selling toys counts?)


A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 13


How about

The Genius of Cartoon Animation USA

Then readers wont be confused with those found in newspapers etc

And the possible companion entry

The Genius of Cartoon Animation Worldwide

A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 14


The first two sentences say American. I am going to keep the american focus. I will not be doing companion piece on Cartoons in Britain, or in Europe, or in Asia or South America. I leave that for researchers living in those areas to tackle. As suggested I have changed the title to reflect the American emphasis.

A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 15


see also http://h2g2.com/dna/h2g2/classic/F74125?thread=8301007&latest=1

A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 16


Excellent entry well done smiley - cheers

A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 17


As to the subject of cartoon inspired merchandise, I would say the purpose of a cartoon is to amuse or make people laugh. If it does this extremely well and stands the test of time it is genius. Items sold to otherwise entertain, to act as collectibles, or for some other purpose would be outside the scope of what I have attempted here. Perhaps that would be the subject of another companion piece "Cartoon Merchandise"

A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 18


I agree good idea smiley - cheers

A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 19

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Looking good Shagbark - and like Bluebottle, I appreciate Flea Market rescues as well.

Good luck!

A87793834 - Cartoon Genius

Post 20


smiley - zzz

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