A Conversation for Love

Love of Fright(Or maybe just Frightfully Cheesy Films??)

Post 41

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Unfortunately, boyfriend harbours greater ambitions to be Frank N Furter... he also looks terribly good in drag... smiley - bigeyes

Love of Fright(Or maybe just Frightfully Cheesy Films??)

Post 42

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

I'm scared now.

Love of Fright(Or maybe just Frightfully Cheesy Films??)

Post 43

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::runs to hide::

Love of Fright(Or maybe just Frightfully Cheesy Films??)

Post 44


I'm trying to make friends with a bisexual goth metalhead at the moment, so nothing scares me. Also, he probably looks pretty good in drag too...

Love of Fright(Or maybe just Frightfully Cheesy Films??)

Post 45

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Any particular reason? smiley - smiley

Love of Fright(Or maybe just Frightfully Cheesy Films??)

Post 46


I enjoy a little wierdness in my life. Wierdness is the oil, if you will, that lubricates my otherwise grinding life.
Or maybe I am as insane as I pretend to be ... smiley - smiley

Love of Fright(Or maybe just Frightfully Cheesy Films??)

Post 47

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

You pretend to be insane too? Unfortunately in my case, too many people are starting to believe me... smiley - smiley or should that be smiley - sadface ?

If you're lucky...

Post 48

The Crazy Chemist

I believe in True love.

Before I got together with my girlfriend I spent about 3 months wondering if she felt the same way as me. I got to the point where I had begun pursuade myself that I didn't like her that much. I very nearly walked away. It turns out that she was in the same situation ! we eventualy deceide to have a go at the relationship. I don't think I have ever been happier. We have a strange connection. We always seem to know what the other is feeling. We often have the same thoughts even when we are miles appart. I am now concidering marrige (as is she). I believe that everyone has a perfect partner. I was just lucky enough to find mine smiley - smiley

If you're lucky...

Post 49


Good on ya my son! For the rest of us, it'll just have to be other distractions.
I have a number of ocupations to stop me thinking about love. They include reading (voraciously), eating (ditto), bad dancing, and of course, h2g2.

If you're lucky...

Post 50

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Done that... only after the attempts at pursuasion I just started liking him even more. The entirety of my year found out that I liked him and then started haranguing him at every opportunity to go out with me; I went to the extent of putting my name down to design the set of a play I knew he was going to be in.
I eventually got a phone call on a Saturday night from a close mutual friend, incoherently gasping "Jamiecameintothelibraryandhesaidhelikesyoureallylikesyouandhewantstogooutwithyou". Started going out on the Monday, and we're still together now - ten months on Friday (sigh smiley - bigeyes). Okay, so we're not going to be together forever - we're only seventeen - but at the moment at least we are perfect; we have such similar interests, opinions, ambitions, obsessions - that might sound boring, but because we are so similar, we get on so well. Okay, one day we might stop being perfect for one another and drift apart, but at least we'll still be able to remember how good it was while it lasted.

If you're lucky...

Post 51


Unfortunately, in my case, it isn't that simple to resolve. I really really like her, I have no clue what she thinks, I have no way to communicate with her over the summer, and I'm going to a boarding school on the east coast (live on the west coast) next year, and the year after that I'm coming back but to a different school than her and it all is just not good. But oh well. I guess it'll all be fine in the end.

If you're lucky...

Post 52

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

It will turn out, jrn. Fear not. If you are persistant and remain her friend as best as you possibly can, it should work out. Things like that usually do. I think so, anyway. You'll either end up with a great friend... or you may just find someone you like better(not that this option seems at all possible right now to you).

If you're lucky...

Post 53


Thanx a lot. I was depressed alreaqdy and now you've made me cry.

If you're lucky...

Post 54


This weren't meant to be posted here. Sorry don't know how it ended up here.

If you're lucky...

Post 55

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - sadface Be not depressed... Be Happy!!! Like this!!! smiley - smiley!!! Go on!!! Try it!!!! smiley - smiley

If you're lucky...

Post 56


It's hard -- I'm going back to the zoo tomorrow smiley - sadface

Oh sorry, did I say zoo -- I meant *school*

If you're lucky...

Post 57

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

smiley - smiley

If you're lucky...

Post 58

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Hey... I'm going back on Wednesday. I'm actually looking forward to it... which is really scary... particularly given that it's A-levels this year...smiley - sadface

If you're lucky...

Post 59

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

I love school. It keeps me from doing menial labor...

By the way, it is oddly enough Labor Day in the states!!! smiley - tongueout


Post 60

Kat - From H2G2

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