A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

The Ambassadorial Investiture Party at the Exhibition Area

Post 121


eeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk!........A rat!
....momentarly forgetting I used to have a pet white rat I jump on table!
...after coming to my senses I fetch a ginger ale with 2 cheries, and a stickle bar for rat to chew on, and a walnut in its shell, as rats are quite partial to chewing to get nut inside.

The Ambassadorial Investiture Party at the Exhibition Area

Post 122

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

Hello, Styx.

*waves a wing at the rat under the table*

I've heard about you from others, but have never actually met you before. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

*muches on an after-dinner mint*

The Ambassadorial Investiture Party at the Exhibition Area

Post 123

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

*maneouvres a large slice of smiley - porkpie to the edge of the table*

Hi Styx. How's things?

The Ambassadorial Investiture Party at the Exhibition Area

Post 124


*waves elegantly at Styx the Rat from the armchair in which she is lolling (elegantly, of course) and drinking Whisky Macs*

The Ambassadorial Investiture Party at the Exhibition Area

Post 125


*sits back with interest while Amysmiley - ant manoevres the smiley - porkpie ever closer to the tables edge. Will Styx catch the pie - or will it land on top of him?

The Ambassadorial Investiture Party at the Exhibition Area

Post 126

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Long time no see, Styx the Rat!

The Ambassadorial Investiture Party at the Exhibition Area

Post 127


Styx. Excellent. I was hoping you would make an appearance. Your exploits with Amy smiley - ant are legendary.

I am working, my friends. I'll post a link to our diplomatic room soon.

The Ambassadorial Investiture Party at the Exhibition Area

Post 128

Styx the Rat

*jumping up on to banquet table, washing face and hands*
*dunking cherries in ginger ale and nibbling*

Rathome giving big sewer monster in painted cage and platoons of rat-ants for legation.

*red eyes glow* Bigfoot made a knight now! Heh! Good.

*jumps off table, scampers around sniffing feet of new humans*
*looking up* Night bird!

*looking around for ant lady*

The Ambassadorial Investiture Party at the Exhibition Area

Post 129


Hey Styx! Good to see you again mate.

The Ambassadorial Investiture Party at the Exhibition Area

Post 130

Santragenius V

*sends a friendly wave to Styx, nose still deep in cognac snifter*

The Ambassadorial Investiture Party at the Exhibition Area

Post 131


*blinks myopically at Styx the rat*

"Umm... do you know you're a rat?" she says.

Oh dear. It looks as if Greensleeves has been wrapping her olives in martinis again this evening. At least she's still more or less vertical.

The Ambassadorial Investiture Party at the Exhibition Area

Post 132

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - bigeyes
[In mid-chew, B4 goggles at Styx. He sets down his plate and glass, and saunters over to where the rat is capering. B4 crouches down a bit and says earnestly...]
I don't think I made the time to thank you for bailing me out of a dark situation, the last time we met. Your navigation skills through the tunnels inside HoHo Spire on MaGoose Island saved the whole party from going astray, including my alter ego, Purr in Boots. So...anyway...Thanks for saving my bacon.
smiley - biggrin
[B4 rises again, walks back to the buffet table, and pulls the tablecloth carefully so it dangles nearer the floor. He looks back toward Styx.]
smiley - winkeye
Leg up...?
smiley - laugh

The Ambassadorial Investiture Party at the Exhibition Area

Post 133

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Pleased to meet you, Styx. Want a beer?

smiley - ale

The Ambassadorial Investiture Party at the Exhibition Area

Post 134

Mr. Cyde: The Tearer and Master of Bad Jokes.

Well hello there. A rat with style.

So are we going to present ourselves to the two-leg people with gifts? If so I must start my factory making wonderous things.

The Ambassadorial Investiture Party at the Exhibition Area

Post 135

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

[Lentilla pauses as a large Dalek-style bot trundles into the room. It starts chanting 'EXTERMINATE' loudly, and Lentilla has to shut it off before it removes the rat from the room.]

Sorry, Styx. Just the exterminator. Nice to see you! I've always liked rats... [Lentilla takes a few crackers from an undisclosed recess in her clothing, and places them on the floor for Styx.]

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