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Plans for Bank Holiday Monday

Post 1

I'm not really here

Stare at suitcase which is mostly packed and wonder how the hell I'm going to move it upstairs.

Wonder if Teenacher's dad will get him back from Yorkshire at a sensible time before the snow falls again tonight. Might solve suitcase problem.

Wonder if got big lump of turkey out of freezer early enough to have xmas dinner tomorrow.

Be sick and bloody tired of the sodding ice all over the place making walking difficult.

Think about borrowing some scales to weigh suitcase.

Work out how many more packs of dog food I need to buy to send with dogs on their holidays.

Go back to M&S in a mood probably.

Walk dogs. Feed a cat. A specific cat, not a random one.


Office work.

Try to finish Lost Odyssey on xbox which will probably take priority!

Upload xmas photos. Try to look at my entry in PR. Possibly write another one about dogs if need something to do to put off everything else.

Jump up and down with excitement as this time next week I'll be leaving in 6 hours! Well, leaving for airport anyway. Won't be really leaving for 10 hours.

V tired after thinking about this long list, so will sit around a bit longer.

Plans for Bank Holiday Monday

Post 2


India in 7 days! I'm envious!

Plans for Bank Holiday Monday

Post 3

I'm not really here

The timer on my phone has clocked over to 6 days... plus 22 hours. smiley - biggrin

My tutor has just got over there today and says its 23 degrees, so a nice gentle warm English summer day. smiley - biggrin

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