This is the Message Centre for Eraser Burn Kitty

I was born in a small town...

Post 1


Hi Kitty!

I read your post about the 'Evil from a western perspective' entry, which I edited. I was interested to see that Nietzche was one of your things. I do have to ask though: "why?"smiley - winkeye

I thought I'd drop by and do that, but having done so found that I was the only one here, so I'll pretend to be an ACE for a moment and welcome you to the 'Guide! 'Delving deep' isn't quite as difficult yet as it will be eventually - putting my sub-editor's hat back on for a moment I can say with confidence that we need more articles, and a Nietzchean perspective on stuff would be a very different take, I suspect.

Don't be too depressed about school: not that there's a lot you can do about it, of course. I had the same small-town troubles when I was growing up, but I had to spend several years elsewhere before I realised what I'd passed up. Now I'm in Canberra, which is sort of a nice mix between town and country. It's good to make choices...smiley - smiley

Come around and see what's happening at my end if you like. There's a few links to some lynchpin people, and a lot of GuideML on the page which you might make use of if you view the source thingy on your browser and wade through the superfluous bits (all of which are there as part of the 'Guide, rather than 'genuine' HTML). There's lots more GuideML available from the bottom of the front page, too.

Hope to see you around.



I was born in a small town...

Post 2

Eraser Burn Kitty

Yes, well school isn't that deppressing...Life is deppressing but that's what makes it life eh? JOBS are REALLY deppressing and I'm quiting mine because JACK runs a covert slave operation in which he expects me to get out of school Fridays at 3:30 be at work by 4 stay till 1am go back saturday at 12 work till 1am again and come in bright and cherry at 7am Sunday and stay till 5pm...I think not.
On the Nietzsche perspective I believe he's one of my things because much like myself he is contradictive confusing and underneath all his crazy ramblings he is still an extremely smart person.

I was born in a small town...

Post 3


Life isn't depressing - it just is. Jobs are depressing, but being paid is not. You just have to kind of compromise, I guess...smiley - winkeye It does sound a little bit like exploitation in the gig you're doing now, though.

Thanks for correcting my spelling on "Nietzsche" - I always seem to forget that 's' for some reason. Anything to add on the 'perspective' front?


Post 4

Eraser Burn Kitty

Welll...right now I'm not to sure what my perspective is, I don't know what anything is. My life is being sucked into a black hole but I'm enjoying the ride.
You know lately the most annoying thing has been how everyone seems so conformed no matter how different they are and that I see the fakeness in everything.
"The surest way of ruining a youth is to teach him to respect those who think as he does more highly than those who think differently from him."~Friedrich Nietzsche (surprise smiley - bigeyes)
And I hate when people are "full of themselves" yet I'm very self absorbed....I think I really am a walking contradiction, which isn't really a bad thing. I spend my time trying to discover myself and figure myself out but myself is constantly changing, mabye not in a big noticable way or anything but there is always change. I like that fact though.....and I have begun to ramble.
"The worst egoist is the person to whom the thought has never occurred that he might be one"~Sigmund Freud hehehee


Post 5


I suspect I know what you mean about people being "full of themselves", and I also suspect I know why you feel that you are too: we've all been there and done that, I'm afraid. On Freud's criterion, though, you should be safe!

The conformists amuse me: all these people who think that they're 'unusual' getting tattoos, body piercing, etc., for example. They seem to be in a very bare minority, now. Not that there aren't several who just do it 'cause they love it (take my friend Daisy, for example, who has a bit to say on the subject), but it's not that unusual, anymore.

If you're being sucked down a black hole and haven't been crushed yet, enjoy the feeling of coming out the other side...smiley - winkeye!

enjoying the ride

Post 6

Eraser Burn Kitty

Well I'll try and enjoy the ride of life but I am getting a bit of motion sickness.
I'm at school right now and I really really hate this place. I love knowledge and learning, but not in a hmm corrupted? enviroment. I don't know how to describe exactly how I feel about humans and I probally never will. At lunch I got into a debate with my friends about how females try to blame everything on males and vice a versa, well my simple belief is that your sex, your race, your religion, none of that takes you away from the basic thread we share, Humanity, so therefore Humanity is the key to all of our faults...and we all suck! I mean that in the nicest , sorry your just a human and they in general annoy and disturb me way. smiley - bigeyes

enjoying the ride

Post 7


I've heard that sort of argument before, too. Mind you, we stopped doing that at school in about 4th year (of six) - is that where you are now?

I seem to recall that we concluded - much like yourself - that humanity sucked, too. It was only later on that I came to believe that people do have some redeeming features. I'm not sure how everybody else made their compromises with the rest of the world. There is much greater potential for goodness than there is an inevitability of badness, and I guess that that's what I concentrate most on, now. Some people just are bad, though (I do realise that, too) and I avoid them like the plague!

Sorry to hear that humans disturb you so much. There's an awful lot of them out there, though...smiley - winkeye!


Post 8

Eraser Burn Kitty

Well I'm easily disturbed smiley - bigeyes
I'm a sophomore by the way
I don't know what else to say.......


Post 9


So you've another two or three years of this sort of thing to go yet - and THEN you get to university...smiley - smiley!


Post 10

Eraser Burn Kitty

Shhhh I'm pretending I'm a senior I WANT OUT AHH heh


Post 11


I can't believe that a student of Nietzsche would want NOT to be educated! Don't pretend too hard or you might start believing yourself, and then where would we be...smiley - bigeyes?


Post 12

Eraser Burn Kitty

Oh I want to be educated, I want to know everything possible, but I do not want to do it the setting of out public high school system...I'm rather happy though I found The Long Dark Tea Time of The Soul by Douglas Adams in our library so I'm rereading that and uhm I've been rather sick lately with possible some epstein-barr virus thing very annoying.


Post 13


You've got a good school librarian, I'd say! Education is one of those things you have to take where you find it, and the job's incredibly difficult to do on your own (from one who's tried, believe me!).

I'm sorry to hear about the sickness, though: I might have to look that up on the 'net.

Let me know how it goes.



Post 14

Eraser Burn Kitty

Well I have surgery June 8th, they are taking out my tonsils because it "might" help me get better.
Nice huh?


Post 15


I had a wisdom tooth out on Friday - only surgery I've ever had. Thankfully, though, that tooth was comprehensively rotted (a bit of it went down my throat with my fish and chips on my birthday!), so there was every reason to do it...smiley - winkeye! You've got a while to prepare, so get yourself into the right frame of mind!

How're you otherwise? What's been happening apart from misadventures with your health? Is school any less boring/difficult/intimidating/upsetting/aggravating?smiley - smiley

I've been at home while attempting to elicit sympathy (from my parents and others) about having my tooth out. The fact that it was removed without causing great pain has made this task somewhat more difficult than it might be.


Post 16

Eraser Burn Kitty

Well I've been doing fairly well, I've missed a ton of school but I'm still passing everything in fact you can check out my CMAT class project as and (shameless plugging smiley - winkeye) I've been working on my websites and right now am about to start working on this one I sorta changed my welcome entry thingy heh and I'm thinking of working on a guide entry... Well I'm glad to hear your tooth was no biggy, and I'm sure you can milk a little something out of your family
I haven't been doing anything but school,sleeping,reading, and aol.
However I did start talking to a college (St. Johns Santa Fe) http://www.sjcsf.edusmiley - smiley
smiley - fish


Post 17


Hey Kitty!

I was pleased to hear that everything was still looking good, at least up to a week ago. Are you getting psyched up? Are you still OK otherwise...smiley - bigeyes?

I succeeded in milking a lot of sympathy out of family and friends - but it did feel like a bit of a cheat!

Surgery is not fun

Post 18

Eraser Burn Kitty

Dear me it's been a while but here it goes well It turns out I had several cist on my tonsils, my tonsils were successfully removed and I went on to recovery, which was horrible. I lost 8lbs in 8 days right now I weigh 94lbs, But I'm MUCH better now. I can swallow and eat and talk smiley - smiley
Well I'm off

Surgery is not fun

Post 19


A distinct improvement.

Are you off permanently, or can you be cultured...smiley - tongueout?

Surgery is not fun

Post 20

Eraser Burn Kitty

LOL well you never know but what I do know is its early , 2:53am and in a few hours I'm off to the hospital with my mom so she can have surgery, she had to have a nerve in her elbow moved.
Ok well I have things to do so once again I'm off smiley - tongueout
smiley - fish

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