A Conversation for Student Food
Student Soup
GNP Aaron Started conversation Nov 24, 1999
You forgot the most important Student meal of all - Student Soup!
Take one large saucepan and fill with water. Boil. Add half a bottle of tomato sauce and a quarter of an onion of budget stretches that far. Feeds one student for up to one week.
Student Soup
Frizzychick Posted Nov 24, 1999
oh dear god that sounds revolting - and you actually ate that stuff?
Student Soup
Daniel the 49290th Posted Nov 25, 1999
A friend of mine (I can't take credit for it) makes a nice meal called Pasta Ketchup.
Simple cook some pasta, add ketchup to taste, mix, eat.
I've never tried it (I haven't gotten that bad yet!), but he says that it's nicer than it sounds...
Student Soup
Moon da Misbegotten Posted Nov 25, 1999
I've done it. I've thinned out the ketchup with water to more of a saucy consistancy (saves money, too) and added oregano and basil. It was edible.
Coincidentally, there was a blurb on my latest bottle of Ketchup that siad that the most popular use in Sweden for the tomato stuff was on top of pasta.
Student Soup
Daniel the 49290th Posted Nov 25, 1999
Sounds good... Adds a little more flavour!
Is pasta actually good for you in large quantities? It's all I seem to eat these days... I try to vary the sauce though!
Student Soup
adeve Posted Nov 25, 1999
And not only in Sweden but in Finland too. I think I was around 18 the first time I ate pasta with something else than ketchup. All time favourite was spaghetti with ketchup, served with meatballs and a salad on the side. No sauce. For extra taste, the meatballs could be dipped in mustard...
Student Soup
Gaz Posted Nov 25, 1999
Yeah pasta isn't bad for you, its good for energy (high in carbohydrate, mainly starch), but low on vitamins and other nutrients. I recommend pesto rather than ketchup for the boy-can-I-not-be-bothered-to-cook-properly, and hope to get the remaining nutrients from an occasional tuna fish and salad sandwich. (mmmm 1pound 10 at the KRA, on thick wholemeal bread)
Student Soup
Frizzychick Posted Nov 25, 1999
My flatmate eats pasta with baked beans and onion. Pretty cheap - full of carbohydrate energy but incredibly stodgy.
Student Soup
Donn Chadh Posted Oct 26, 2000
We where running low on food about two weeks ago. The only things left where oven chips, rice and half a jar of 'Ragu'
It didn't taste too bad
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Student Soup
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