A Conversation for The Café

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 81

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

...is indeed correct, Affy, yes...
Da winnar! *holds up Affy's hand, champion-wrestler-like, to the applause and flashbulbs of all*

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 82

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

Ah, yes, but I've got the direct thread where you can drop off your app.


Heh. smiley - winkeye

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 83

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Hmmph. Oh yeah?
Well, -l've- got...um.

*goes quiet and sheepish and sits back down again*

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 84

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

Awww, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bust your little red wagon.

*hands odradek a chocolate covered espresso bean*

Chocolate covered espresso bean?

Aroma Cafe - The All-Time Zone Favourite

Post 85

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

Well, thanks, but...actually, l'm just a few days off of having my wisdom teeth removed, dear, so l don't think l could actually chew it...
Got any duct tape so's l can fix my little red wagon?

*rummages in her knapsack and retrieves some duct tape*
Nevermind, l've got it!
*tapes her little red wagon back together and prepares to ride it out the door*

Hate to leave the fun, but l've things to do in real time calling. Shall be back later, though. Nice to meet you, Cheezdanish...l'm sure this Survivor gig's going to get interesting...

*hops into wagon and goes careening out the door and into the woods*
Byeeeeeeeeee! *waving*

Aroma Cafe - Post feature at A400050

Post 86

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

*walks in with battered fedora on his head*
Hi everyone!

I can't stay right now, but I wanted to let you know that this week's Post is now available
and that the feature on the Aroma Café is in there


Aroma Cafe - Post feature at A400050

Post 87


*also returns after collision with RL*

Thanks for posting the right forum, everyone...and now (Hi, RB) to check out the Post.

Aroma Cafe - Post feature at A400050

Post 88

Witty Moniker

*looks up, eyes glazed over after fighting to get a graphic on her page* smiley - tongueout

Got it, finally!

IIEM: please refill my Kona.

Big issue of The Post this week, eh, ox?

Aroma Cafe - Post feature at A400050

Post 89


*looks up from Post*

Not bad!

I need to get goggle-eyed myself, throw caution to the wind and try to get something cool on my page (or in my space as the case my be).

Aroma Cafe - Post feature at A400050

Post 90

Witty Moniker

And prepare for another round of outraged researchers complaining about the "improvements" to H2G2.

Were you here when Ripley went into effect and Alabaster was introduced?

Aroma Cafe - Post feature at A400050

Post 91


Yes; I hadn't been around long enough to do any more than ride the wild bucking monster and keep (trying) to post. As I had nothing on my page, it was of little consequence that it kept going blank!

Aroma Cafe - Post feature at A400050

Post 92

Witty Moniker

I was a new participant, too. Even tho I have a low researcher number, I spent most of that time reading guide entries. I really wasn't even aware of the cultural side of it until the Powers at the Towers starting promoting it on the front page.

Then I started reading the fora, but I was still shy. Who new? smiley - winkeye

Aroma Cafe - Post feature at A400050

Post 93


*enters, butterknife in hand ready to join the original firey four in an attempt to split the million*
Um, hello , tea please IIEM.

Aroma Cafe - Post feature at A400050

Post 94

Witty Moniker

Hi there, Lintilla. The Firey Four will surely make a formidable team.

*hopes Lintilla read the fine print about the million*

Aroma Cafe - Post feature at A400050

Post 95


*laughing loudly at butter-knife*

Don't spread yourself too thin! Hi, Lintilla!

Witty, I registered after my search engine, looking for articles on Islam, lead me to h2g2!!??!! I got into the social aspect fairly soon but haven't really tried to get very technical yet, having only to basically spreadsheet and cut and paste my simple company books and have an accountant do the rest.

Aroma Cafe - Post feature at A400050

Post 96

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

gosh, it's a long time since I've been in here... is Irving around? I should say "hi" again.
Um, any chance of a cup of hot chocolate or do I have to use this new machine... it wasn't here last time I was here! Anyone around to show me how to use it? And where did that forest spring up from? hmmm how peculiar. I hope Irving managed to find himself a replacement cake chef... I haven't baked for here for so long that the supplies I did leave must have run out ages ago.

Aroma Cafe - Post feature at A400050

Post 97


*translates as D-U-M-B, duh-mb*

Aroma Cafe - Post feature at A400050

Post 98


Sorry-the dumb post meant to refer to my own lack of knowledge! So sorry!

Aroma Cafe - Post feature at A400050

Post 99

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

smiley - smiley

Aroma Cafe - Post feature at A400050

Post 100


What would happen if the last few (say 4) survivors were to all severely injure themselves at once (say in some sort of fire related accident) and all had to be removed from the island, surely some agreement could be worked out to split the mil?
All hypothetical of course.

*Sips tea, removes the PPA from the piano and begins to play some Chopin*

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