This is the Message Centre for GreeboTCat
Christmas Part Two
GreeboTCat Posted Dec 15, 1999
Talking of parsnips... ~grin~... me just loves them roasted... hmmmmm..... nearly as much as me loves doughnuts...
Christmas Part Two
GreeboTCat Posted Dec 15, 1999
15th December 1999
Wayhay... only 10 more days until crimbo day... ~Greebo hangs up some more tinsel to celebrate~
Opened the advent door... and ... brought forth... a crimbo pudding... choccie flavoured... which is now in my tummy... ~rubbing tummy in great catisfaction~
Got yet more cards... oh how cristmassy the old place is looking... ~happy smile~...
Wrapped the last few pressies... me loves giving pressies... ~giving pressie grin~
Greebo the cute nosed cat... Had a very cute little nose... She always carried a hanky... Just in case it needed to be blowed... (Sung to the music of Rudolf the red nosed reindeer... for those that are not sure...) ~grin~
Christmas Part Two
Pippa, The Garlic Munching Doughnut Posted Dec 15, 1999
All of the other Felines,
used to say she was so sweet,
'cos greebo the cute nosed cat,
Always gave them christmas treats.
And one foggy christmas eve,
Snuggled up upon a seat,
Stooby turned to her and said,
'shall we get some food to eat?'
(greedy stooby!)
But, then, just as she got up,
there was a knocking at the door,
It was pippa, rosy che-eked,
And she'd brought doughnut's galore!!!!!
I made up a song abot Greebo. I hope she likes it. I'm sorry it's not wrapped Greebo.
Frosty the snowman,
was a jolly happy soul.........
Christmas Part Two
GreeboTCat Posted Dec 16, 1999
Ohhhhhh wow... thankyou so much... that was the bestest pressie me has ever received... ~really proud grin~
Christmas Part Two
GreeboTCat Posted Dec 16, 1999
16th December 1999
A new one... it's a choccie pressie... ~happy chocolatey grin~
It snowed again... everywhere looks sort of white... not enough to make a snowman though... me loves making snowmen... or snow anything for that matter... have made a snow-woman... and a snow cowboy before... ~grin~
More cards... some through the post... the old place is getting to look like santa's grotty now.... ~happy smile~
Christmas Part Two
Pippa, The Garlic Munching Doughnut Posted Dec 16, 1999
It snowed here last night aswell, and it settled, HOOOOORAYYYY.
Where are you in the world Greebo?
Hmmmmmm, a chocolate pressie, eh, I wonder what was in it, more chocolate? Wow.
For christmas I want to give you a present.
~pippa holds out a present~
Take it Greebo, it's for you. But you have to open it as I tell you to, Ok?
When I give you a direction you need to follow it so it could take days to get to it.
First undo the ribbon.
You'll have to wait until tomorrow for the....... oh,no. I forgot, I'm going to England on Sat. so we can't do a thing each day. Oh right, forget it.
Eat the ribbon, it's a strawberry/apple/cola lace (hey, It's a virtual pressie, make it whatever flavour you want but use your imagination.)
Take off the wrapping paper, eat it, it's pressed candyfloss/sugar paper.
Look inside. It's a box. It's a box made of ginger bread/sugar glass/panels of melted boiled sweets/barley sugar.
Inside the box is a chocolate egg. well it was a dark/milk/white chocolate egg, unfortunately the postal service got the better of it. Oh well, at least you don't have to worry about breaking it........
Ah yes, have a bit, go on, nibble it as you rummage through the cocoa-ey goodness. Now what have you found?
Wowee, a bag of mini chocolate/nut/icing sugar(pink or brown)covered/jam filled doughnuts!!YUM YUM!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope it tasted better than the poem
Seasons greetings and a happy new year to you Greebo my dear,
Lots of love and warm wishes
Hope t tasted
Christmas Part Two
Roasted Amoeba Posted Dec 16, 1999
Mmmm.... Christmas presents... That reminds me, it's Christmas soon isn't it?
Well, I've been Christmas shopping, virtually that is, and I have presents for pippa and Greebo. I couldn't see many other people around this particular forum.
Seeing as pippa has already got you doughnuts, Greebo, I couldn't really give you more of the same, seeing as how you don't like too many doughnuts... So I thought maybe you'd like this little book of poetry that has been specially written for teddy bears, with the hope that Wilson might enjoy it...
Oh, and there's some roasted parsnips here as well...
Pippa, I thought long and hard, and eventually came up with this... hope you like it... It's your very own babel fish. So if you ever go travelling to Uganda, or Outer Mongolia, or Alpha Centauri, or wherever, you'll understand the dialect...
Christmas Part Two
GreeboTCat Posted Dec 17, 1999
Ohhhhh wow Mistress Pippa... its going to take me several minutes to eat through all this present... and you were wrong... the song was equally as good as this... Me loves you lots... and in fact you are coming over to visit my part of the world... ~grin~... me a very English sort of cat...
Ohhhhhh me loves poetry... and Wilson will love it toooo... though he would never show it... he is a depressed Bear after all... ~grin~
Thankyou for the Parsnips... ~munching~... oh me is soooooo happy at this minute...
The pressies I have for both of you... can't be wrapped and is given only to few... ~smile~... it's my love and friendship forever and a day... ~bigger smile~
But One Word Of Warning... Love and Friendship is not only for Christmas... ~grin~
Christmas Part Two
GreeboTCat Posted Dec 17, 1999
17th December 1999
Woooooo Hooooooooo... another choccie crimbo cracker... would anyone like it??? ... Me has eaten far to much choccie lately and my waist is not looking its best... ~grin~... but at least me is cuddly... and huggly... and hugely lovable... ~really big grin~
No cards today... ~smile~... though a friend at work has the same name as me and we work in the same place... so we tend to get each others cards... ~big grin~... she told me she had several of mine waiting to be returned... ~wimple~
No snow... but me not care... me wouldn't mind snow on crimbo day though... just a smudgeon... nothing to heavy... ~grin~
Christmas Part Two
Roasted Amoeba Posted Dec 17, 1999
Love and friendship are, I think, the best presents that anybody could ever get Thank you
As a certain cat I know once said, "Me is soooooo happy at this minute...
Christmas Part Two
Pippa, The Garlic Munching Doughnut Posted Dec 17, 1999
Thankyou both very much indeed for your presents. I have yet to 'buy' yours roasted Ameoba but be sure that when you get it it will have been worth the wait.
I won't be here for a few days now but when I come back you can bet your bottom dollar I will pop in here first to say 'Hallo'.
Save me a choccie greebo
Love to you both, thanks again
P.S. I thought I might as well post this here too, Roasted Ameoba, I don't have a 'Log off' button and if I do I don't know what it looks like ~thick-as-two-short-planks-apologetic-type grin~ so........
but cheers for the advice all the same......
I got to go to bed now cos I got to catch a train at crack-of-dawn, a French train (which is 'Train' in french) a bientot, goodnight!
The previous two lines kindly dictated (by way of a subtle hint) by Yin Yang...... You'll know her soon enough if I can ever find the bloody 'Log off' button......
Christmas Part Two
Bluebottle Posted Dec 17, 1999
I'd like to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas all of you. I also have nothing but kindness, companionship and an endless Beatles obsession to share with you, but if you would like it, it is yours.
Christmas Part Two
GreeboTCat Posted Dec 18, 1999
Me very much relishes your friendship Oh Buzzing One... me would be a very lonely cat without you... me thinks... ~grin~
Christmas Part Two
GreeboTCat Posted Dec 18, 1999
18th December 1999
Well pull my tail and call me Horace... ~grin~... me got a choccie bell from the advent this morning... Me will place it to one side and leave it for Mistress Pippa to have upon her return...
Me tried to persuade Stooby that is was Crimbo day today... hmmm... he was having none of it... me said that me would just open my pressies... and then wrap them up again... but no... he is such a spoil sport!!! ~pouting grin~
Hmm... it's little sisters rememberance of birth day today... she was born exactly a week before crimbo... and the oldies called her Carol... ~big grin~... very festive... Got to pop around and see her... Stooby bought her pressie... me wrapped it... and wrote in the card... Me wonders if she will have gotten some doughnuts in... ~really hopeful grin~
Christmas Part Two
Bluebottle Posted Dec 18, 1999
Hmmm.... All I had in my calender today was a spaceship.
Very seasonal.
Happy Xmas - war is over
Christmas Part Two
Roasted Amoeba Posted Dec 18, 1999
I don't have an advent calendar thingy. All I've done today so far is play squash. And stuff.
I'm missing my housemates.
Bluebottle... I think that for saying such a nice thing about you I ought to have at least one mince pie... just one? Pleeeeese?
Christmas Part Two
GreeboTCat Posted Dec 19, 1999
19th December 1999
A choccie pressie... Oh yum...
up early today... so today hasn't started... ~grin~
Bought some more crimbo cards yesterday... didn't know me has so many friends... ~happy grin~
Gave out some pressies... and saw some really festive homes whilst driving along... in fact we nearly crashed the car a couple of times in excitement... hmmm... me thinks that is not good!!!
Christmas Part Two
Hatman ACE Posted Dec 19, 1999
Christmas is coming bnut we will all be dead in a fortnight so who cares? We might as well kill ourselves....**breaks down in tears and slashes wrists**....none of you lot cares....**slumps to floor**..Looks at other entries in this thread.....
Ah, I'll get my coat shall I?
merry crimbo, dougnuts for the cat.....
pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival) Posted Dec 19, 1999
hoody greebo. are u called that because u like matel music and are labeled by trendies? they call me greebo, but not a cat.
im friends with pippa, shes staying at my house this week. but right now shes gone for sunday lunch wit her nana. i have been told bout u though an she signed me up today.
Its my birthday on crimbo really!
where r u in england greebo? im in the south east in a place called yateley. its near reading and nearish to guildford.
aw well......merry crimbo cat, may u have lots of festive doughnuts and yummy chocolates. i got me a my little pony calender but i havent had it cos pippa hasnt gots one an i feel mean stuffing choccy infront of her.
merry crimbo, dougnuts for the cat.....
GreeboTCat Posted Dec 19, 1999
Why thankyou Mistress Fairy... ~grin~... you have a wonderful name... why don't you pop over to my Crimbo Party... need a few helpers... ~bigger grin~... here's the link...
Me is a cat... and me called Greebo cause thats my name... ~smile~
Key: Complain about this post
Christmas Part Two
- 21: GreeboTCat (Dec 15, 1999)
- 22: GreeboTCat (Dec 15, 1999)
- 23: Pippa, The Garlic Munching Doughnut (Dec 15, 1999)
- 24: GreeboTCat (Dec 16, 1999)
- 25: GreeboTCat (Dec 16, 1999)
- 26: Pippa, The Garlic Munching Doughnut (Dec 16, 1999)
- 27: Roasted Amoeba (Dec 16, 1999)
- 28: GreeboTCat (Dec 17, 1999)
- 29: GreeboTCat (Dec 17, 1999)
- 30: Roasted Amoeba (Dec 17, 1999)
- 31: Pippa, The Garlic Munching Doughnut (Dec 17, 1999)
- 32: Bluebottle (Dec 17, 1999)
- 33: GreeboTCat (Dec 18, 1999)
- 34: GreeboTCat (Dec 18, 1999)
- 35: Bluebottle (Dec 18, 1999)
- 36: Roasted Amoeba (Dec 18, 1999)
- 37: GreeboTCat (Dec 19, 1999)
- 38: Hatman ACE (Dec 19, 1999)
- 39: pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival) (Dec 19, 1999)
- 40: GreeboTCat (Dec 19, 1999)
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